Blog Post Ten – Day of Scholarship

The Day of Scholarship, on March 22nd, was a wonderful event where individual students or a group of students were promoted to present any type of service or educational project they have been working on from the fall 2011 semester or spring 2012 semester. I am currently a student in Public Health Marketing and the Honors Program, both which take part in Service Learning. For both of these courses, I wanted to attend the Day of Scholarship and discuss the work with the Jersey Shore Children’s Museum for my Service Learning Project. I made a tri-fold poster that talked about the museum, the fundraiser event we would be having on April 21st, and my experience working on this project.

This Service Project I am completing has become so much more than just a requirement for my class. I am involved in marketing work for the Jersey Shore Children’s Museum. It is a non-profit organization that is in need of much assistance and I am happy to say that I am a part of the helping process. I am also being assisted in this project by another Stockton student, Stephanie Mak, and two very important role models in the marketing field, Sherri Brentari and Karen Komo. Our main work has consisted of putting together an event to bring more attention to the museum and involve Stockton even more in the community. This opportunity has changed me in so many ways. I now feel confident in myself to take on larger responsibilities and become more involved in marketing and Stockton activities.