Blog 7: Mutter Museum

On a cold rainy day we ventured into the wonderful world of Philadelphia to go to the Mutter Museum.  Despite the inclement weather, the trip turned out to be quite a blast! The museum was quite fascinating with its many oddities.  Since I am a biology major, seeing all the body parts was really cool.  They had a wide array of human skulls with their country of origin and cause of death listed below them.  It was really cool to compare and contrast the different skulls to each other.  There was also a variety of different diseases and aliments affecting different parts of the body.  It was awesome to see Siamese twin babies and small pox’s affect on the body.  Also it was neat to see how corsets affected a woman’s skeleton.  What was really neat were the drawers full of weird things that people had swallowed.  How did people swallow buttons of that size?  Since it was the time of the Day of the Dead, they offered different fun, festive things like skull cookie decorating and paper flower making which were fun crafts.  Also in the gift shop they sold little stuffed creatures molded after diseases.  I bought rabies since I aspire to be a veterinarian.  It was a great trip and I want to go again the future.