Mat’s Honors Blog Post Numero Uno, The blogining, Service Learning Day

During the day of service many of my friends and the fellow freshman undertook activities to try to improve the state of the area around the college. While I can’t speak for the people who went ‘Arch’ or others who went to feed the homeless in Atlantic City, I can speak for myself. My classmates and I went to the Atlantic county office of emergencies to help reequip the trucks that were sent to aid with the evacuation and housing of people who were affected by hurricane Irene.

While originally we were meant to help evaluate and plan evacuation routes for the county, with the advent of Hurricane Irene the plans for the day had to be changed at the last minute. Instead of planning out routes, my fellow volunteers and I were told that we were to restock the trucks instead. So began a few hours of manual labor. While I am not a big fan of manual labor, it wasn’t too difficult, and the fact that I was going to aid others made it that much easier. After a few hours we were done, the trucks were restocked and ready to go, and we were headed back to the college.

Again, while I can’t speak for others, I felt the day of service allowed me to spread my wings as it were and help others. I believe that the day of service was a great idea and I hope for this tradition to continue for many years to come.