The Overnight Honors Experience

Starting college, for anyone, is a bit nerve-racking. Although at Stockton we were offered to participate in a program that took a little bit of the curiosity off the first day of school- The Honors Experience. All incoming freshmen were welcomed to spend one night in a dorm so they could get a feel as to what they were in for. That does not nearly explain the things done in our two days together. From greetings all the way until the last icebreaker, the Honors Experience did not allow for a dull moment. When we arrived, we were directed into a building that we all know now as the TRLC. Upperclassmen handed out water bottles and name tags. After this moment, the day quickly took off.
All the students and our parents were directed to an area in the new campus center. This is where we ate and some of the students began to mingle. Little did I know at the time, but I met some people who were going to be great friends. Next we all went our separate with our parents for the brief time we had left with them. This consisted of sitting through several extremely motivating speakers. The speakers, knowing that we were all incoming freshmen, gave us great views on the program and ways to start off the year with success. They made me excited and grateful that I chose Stockton.
Next were the Irish dancing and icebreakers. After we each briefly introduced ourselves we were unreadily pushed into the dances. They were crazy but each student could not help but laugh throughout them. Icebreakers continued to keep us opening up to each other. Volleyball also shared the same purpose. We were not told to play volleyball but we all wanted to; the beginning of the bonding of the honors students. Overall the overnight honors experience gave new students a positive attitude on what their college experience was going to be like.
-Victoria Starner