American Studies Resources

Online course resources (always in progress)

49th Parallel: An Interdisciplinary Journal of North American Studies:

American Studies Association

American Studies at UVA

Black Thought and Culture (Stockton library database)

Bjork Library Web Site Map

Center for Working Class Studies:

Companion Website to American Cultural Studies: An Introduction (includes links to a wide range of non-subscription based online archives and databases):

CRGE (Consortium on Race, Gender, & Ethnicity) Intersectional Research Database

Guide to American Studies Resources (Bjork Library, Stockton University):

Guide to Historical Studies Resources (Bjork Library, Stockton University):

Guide to Literature Resources (Bjork Library, Stockton University):

Index of Articles in American Studies Theory and Method

Keywords for American Cultural Studies Collaboratory

New Jersey Digital Highway:

New Jersey Historical Society

New Jersey State Library:

New Jersey State Archives

New Jersey State Museum:

North American Women’s Letters and Diaries (Stockton library database)

Special Collections and University Archives (Rutgers University):

Transatlantic Slave Trade Database

Theory and Method in American Cultural Studies (T.V. Reed):

Bibliography and Citation sources

The Purdue Online Writing Lab:

Zotero (a free, open source tool for collecting, managing, citing, and sharing research):

Zoterobib (for quick citations without downloading Zotero):