Virtual Reality… A Thing of the Future… or the Past?

Posted by rowee1 on December 9, 2019 in Uncategorized |

The use of virtual reality in classrooms is a new commodity. Websites such as Flipgrid and Google Earth help students connect globally to the world and learn.

What is Flipgrid? Flipgrid is a “social learning platform that allows educators to ask a question, then the students respond in a video. Students are then able to respond to one another, creating a “web” of discussion” (

In addition to that, Flipgrid allows students to get a ‘code’ to print out. If a camera is waved over the code, then a video specific to that code will pop up. This is great for a fun, entertaining activity with your students, and in addition, it has the ability to have other classrooms come to life around the world in your very own classroom if you use one of their codes.

Check out this website to learn all about Flipgrid’s AR! p://

Image result for flipgrid virtual reality

Google Earth allows students to have a real-life view of places all over the world. In one touch, students can walk down the streets of Peru and take down observations as they go. This allows students to get a hands-on experience of what it’s like to be in other countries.

Check out this great video showing a teacher using Google Earth in his lesson plan. He was able to use it to teach students about relative locations in the world!

Image result for google earth

All in all, I consider virtual reality tools to be a vital tool in the classroom. They give students a fun, new perspective on learning!

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