Category Archives: Free Stuff

A Brief Guide to Punctuation

Are you feeling the need for a brief refresher on modern punctuation? Perhaps you need intellectual stimulation as you wait in line at the Bursar’s office? Maybe you just like language and want to think about the points that tie written words together?

Here is A Brief Guide to Punctuation. It is not meant to be exhaustive. Instead, it presents an overview of the major conventions of modern punctuation. Choose the format that you need, download, and enjoy.

A Brief Guide pdf format. If you are looking for a format that is printable or easily readable on a computer screen, download the pdf format.

A Brief Guide epub format. Epub formats can be read on iPads, iPod touches, and smart phones. Download, then load onto your device.

Shakespeare Now — a newsletter

The first issue of a newsletter that tries to suggest Shakespeare’s continuing cultural clout. Work was completed by members of the Fall 2012 Shakespeare class.

Shakespeare Now

Micro Editions

After a semester of reading the short verse of early modern Britain, class members of Short Verse of Early Modern Britain (LITT 3226) have selected some of their favorite readings and created micro editions, brief collections of poetry by one poet or many and encompassing a common theme. Each edition has a brief introduction, carefully edited texts, and explanatory notes.

If you read slowly and with enjoyment, each edition might take as long as 20 minutes to read, but that’s about it. We hope you’ll dip into one or several of the collections below. Click on the images to read in pdf form.

The Micro Editions

Ulster Rises

I am proud to announce publication of Ulster Rises: Ten Essays on the Ulster Cycle, written by members of the Medieval Irish Literature class in spring 2012.

The essays were selected for their thoughtful analysis of early Irish literature, mainly of tales from the Ulster Cycle. We find the works discussed here to be deeply engaging, amusingly quirky, and surprisingly under appreciated in the American University setting. We hope this work encourages others to read the primary sources discussed here. The tales amply repay the effort.

Authors: Sean Lyddon, Kim Thomas, Jessica Walkowich, Cat Mount, Edward J. Horan, Eileen Echikson, Kevin Reilly, Kaitlyn Odgers, Richard Stickley, Stephanie Allen; editor: T. E. Kinsella.

Ulster Rising in pdf format. If you are looking for a format that is printable or easily readable on a computer screen, download the pdf format.

Ulster Rising in epub format. Epub formats can be read on iPads, iPod touches, and smart phones. Download, then load onto your device.

Ulster Rising in mobi format. Mobi is the format currently in use by Amazon. Download and load onto your Kindle or device with a Kindle app.

Telling Twilight Tales

On two fine evenings, not long before Beltane 2012, two dozen and more storytellers gathered on Stockton’s campus to spin tales of romance, heroism, and humor. Told in the style of early Irish literature, the tale-telling was wondrous and affecting. Now you can share the experience by reading Telling Twilight Tales. Enjoyable when read silently, these tales are at their best when read aloud — so pull out your phone, tablet, or kindle, download a copy, then head to a crowded space, and start reading.

Telling Twilight Tales pdf format. If you are looking for a format that is printable or easily readable on a computer screen, download the pdf format.

Telling Twilight Tales epub format. Epub formats can be read on iPads, iPod touches, and smart phones. Download, then load onto your device.

A Brief Guide mobi format. Mobi is the format currently in use by Amazon. Download and load onto your Kindle or device with a Kindle app.

Sappho Translated

The poetry of Sappho, the ancient Greek poetess, was read during her life-time and for a thousand years after. It was then largely lost. During the European Renaissance, fragments of this poetry were rediscovered, and since then have captured the imagination of readers. Here are some of those fragments with various translations. Tapp & Violin.

Poetical Fragments in pdf format. If you are looking for a format that is printable or easily readable on a computer screen, download the pdf format.

Poetical Fragments in epub format. Epub formats can be read on iPads, iPod touches, and smart phones. Download, then load onto your device.

Poetical Fragments in mobi format. Mobi is the format currently in use by Amazon. Download and load onto your Kindle or device with a Kindle app.

Plato’s Crito

Plato’s Crito, written in the fourth century B.C.E., remains a powerful examination of the human condition. As his execution draws near, Socrates meets his good friend Crito who implores him to escape Athens and live in exile. In his methodical, level-headed way, Socrates analyzes the pros and cons, his duty to country, to the gods, and to himself. This is provocative material for the twenty-first-century, especially for readers raised to believe in the ideal of individualism. Tapp & Violin.

Crito in pdf format. If you are looking for a format that is printable or easily readable on a computer screen, download the pdf format.

Crito in epub format. Epub formats can be read on iPads, iPod touches, and smart phones. Download, then load onto your device.

Crito in mobi format. Mobi is the format currently in use by Amazon. Download and load onto your Kindle or device with a Kindle app.

Classroom Etiquette, 5th edition

This text is rather dated (2004), but its gently prodding tone still resonates with readers.

Classroom Etiquette (pdf version only)

Book Marks (or magnets)

Here are a few images crafted in 2008 for the enjoyment of the Stockton community. Initially, they were printed onto magnetic backing and placed around Stockton, which has a preponderance of steel walls. They make excellent, small bookmarks. Print them on colorful card stock; then cut them to size. They are in pdf format.

Applegate & Co.


Women in Battle