Plato’s Crito

Plato’s Crito, written in the fourth century B.C.E., remains a powerful examination of the human condition. As his execution draws near, Socrates meets his good friend Crito who implores him to escape Athens and live in exile. In his methodical, level-headed way, Socrates analyzes the pros and cons, his duty to country, to the gods, and to himself. This is provocative material for the twenty-first-century, especially for readers raised to believe in the ideal of individualism. Tapp & Violin.

Crito in pdf format. If you are looking for a format that is printable or easily readable on a computer screen, download the pdf format.

Crito in epub format. Epub formats can be read on iPads, iPod touches, and smart phones. Download, then load onto your device.

Crito in mobi format. Mobi is the format currently in use by Amazon. Download and load onto your Kindle or device with a Kindle app.

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