Well, the halfway point is officially here. I have made it through 8 weeks of my Global Learning class. It has been one of the most exciting classes I have taken to date. Every week, the lessons teach me new ways to collaborate, to use technology, and to educate myself on the amazing field I will soon be entering. To blog about just one thing I have learned seems impossible. So, I will share just a few of the most important things I think I have learned.
Develop a Personal Learning Network

One of the first things I have learned about was a Personal Learning Network. It is not enough to enter the education field with no help. Yes, it can be done, but why would you want it that way? The educators I have met thus far have given me a wealth of knowledge to start my career off on a great foot. The ideas they have shared, lessons they have learned, ways to set up their classrooms, etc. are all things these educators did not have to do yet they wanted to. They understand that helping each other creates a better classroom and isn’t that the goal of all teachers?
Understand New Technology

Technology in the classroom can be very beneficial. There are many ways students and teachers can use technology to develop a better learning environment. The key is keeping up with technology. There are many Apps and programs that are available. As a teacher I know I will be attending conferences and even joining Seminars that will give me the updates needed to ensure my students are receiving the best education they can using all tools available.
Click this link to learn more ways technology can benefit the classroom.
Go Outside of Your Comfort Zone
When I look back at all of the information I have learned in the last 8 weeks, one thing really stands out about myself. I would have never taken this class if it wasn’t a requirement. Technology scared me. I always felt like it was a waste of time or a way to get kids more screen time they didn’t need. THIS IS NOT THE CASE!!! After researching hours upon hours of different technologies, the way they can be used in the classroom, the way they can develop the students learning process, I understand now how beneficial it can be.
Becoming a teacher has always been a dream of mine. I can not wait until I have a classroom of my own. This class will be one that I reflect back most on and I know this class will make me a better teacher.