When teachers set out to prepare lesson plans, the ultimate goal is what do they want the students to learn? Thus, they need to have a purpose for teaching the lesson. This is especially true in global collaboration. The teacher(s) must be able to have a purpose before they plan their assignment.

Once the purpose has been identified, planning must begin. Keeping in mind how and why the assignment relates to the end goal is very important. The time and effort that goes in to planning must also have a purpose. The teacher should keep in mind which parts should garner more attention. The purpose of the lesson should be to teach, so what parts need to stand out in order for the students to learn?
Being Positive

Sometimes teaching can be hard. Sometimes students do not learn as quickly as hoped. Sometimes teachers have to squash the plans they worked so hard on in order to better reach their students. Through all of this, remaining positive is very important. When students can see the teacher start to doubt, they will start to doubt. By encouraging students, teachers build a strong bond. When collaborating, show empathy to the learners. Sometimes with global collaboration, things can get mixed up. By showing that you understand and are able to guide them shows that you are a great educator.
The video below shows how remaining positive can effect those around you. It may take some effort to remain positive in certain situations, but the benefits are really worth it!