I have only ever used Google Maps for obtaining directions, until now. There are so many ways Google Maps can be used to help someone who is interested in traveling or learning about other places. I was able to complete an assignment that had me in the Grand Canyons, the Ocean, and Italy all in the same day. I loved seeing all of these landmarks and exploring them. This is a tool I will be using in my classroom.

I have created my own google map that has landmarks in Italy I have been interested in visiting since I can remember. This tool allowed me to understand where these spots are in relation to each other. Of course they are spread out, so when I do finally take the trip over, I know it will have to be a very extended vacation! It was great to be able to look at these live images and see just how beautiful the buildings are.
Future Lesson Plan
Whenever I find a new tool or discover the benefits of a tool I have previously used, I always try and find a lesson plan I could incorporate that tool in. Google Maps is no exception to this. I have so many ideas for future lesson plans. One I think I will definitely be incorporating would be a multi-step project where students would research the country, google map their exploration, and create a log of how long this trip would take. I think this would be a fun way for students to understand how traveling works and how great it can be to research before visiting.
Making a Collaborative Project
A great collaborative project using Google Maps could be something like the video below.
Students could work together to plot points from a history lesson that would show where certain battles took place. This would require the students to research the different locations, make a google map that the classroom would share, and incorporate all of the important information from that battle.
This tool allows students to learn about places outside of the classroom while inside the classroom. Google Maps can help to create many different projects as well as allowing students to understand what different countries, states, cities look like. I am really happy I was able to use this tool and understand the different layers it has.