This week, I watched a short film on Youtube about a family that was being separated due to a magical War. The language spoken in this film was German, but I was able to watch it with English subtitles. Keep reading for my take on this film and how I related to the story line!

When I went on to Youtube to find a film that was spoken in another language, but had English subtitles, the possibilities were endless. It took a bit of weeding out the ones I didn’t necessarily have an interest in or ones I found appropriate for a classroom project.
Then, I stumbled upon Letting Go-watch here. The description for this film was something I could understand. It was about a mother who had to let her son go to fight a magical war and how she had to believe she had prepared him to return.
As a mother, I do not expect my children to have to go and fight a war on magic, but I do know one day when they grow up I will have to hope I have prepared them for the world.

In the movie, Lind the son goes off to help fight the War, but his sister Nadia goes to save him. She wants to make sure her brother returns home and she knows she is able to help him. She even offers to take his place.
I have two children as well and I hope that my children will always be there for each other. To know that they have a bond stronger then anything is heartwarming. Siblings can be the best of friends and understand each other in ways no one else can.

While this film is clearly fiction, the family bond is real. As a mother, I want my children to grow up to be good people, I want them to accept cultural differences, I want them to embrace the world ahead of them and it is my job to ensure I am doing my best to provide them with these skills, just as Nadia and Lind’s mother did for them.