Tags: edtech, gen2108, justcausetermination, newjerseyboardofeducation, njboardassociation, njsba, policieswhenusingtechnolgy, policyforeducation, policyforteacher, policyontechnology, research, rulesforteachers, technologycons, warningteachers
Technology Warnings For Teachers

Know the Policies when Using Technology! There are many positive aspects of Technology in the Classroom, around the world, in the work place, to help network, to learn/educate ourselves using google 24-7, to get the hottest trends, to see what your sister is doing on the couch next to you through her thoughts shared on social media posts, traveling the world by following beautiful trips on Instagram, knowing what the political scoop is via tweets, or checking your little baby in daycare using the downloaded app from the school’s webcam service. These all sound so wonderful yet when you take