Tags: bigger picture, classroomPowerup, getactive, global awareness, global collaboration, global students, globaleducator, impact of global learning, Kidpowerbands, kidpowerups, rutf, savelives, unicef
Global Impact: KID POWER UPS

UNICEF: What do they offer? Press Play for ImpactUNICEF Kid Power Ups are free “brain break” videos with a lifesaving purpose,giving students the power to save lives globally and give back locally. Get Active. Save Lives. KidPower Logo I found this wonderful website as I began looking for ways to globally connect to my students, for my future students to connect to others, and for communities/ families to become apart of the “Bigger Picture.” In order to learn more, you can explore all of the benefits and opportunities that Kid Power Ups have to offer by checking out their many
My Reflection on a Cultural Experience Video

I Watched, Reported, Reflected, Learned, and Shared my Unfamiliar Cultural Experience This week I would like to highlight and express my thoughts/ observations I made while watching an unexplored territory. Please click below for the video link and more information about the story shared on this post. English Translation: My New Cultural Experience >>>>>>>>>> Tamil Translation: எனது புதிய கலாச்சார அனுபவம் Eṉatu putiya kalāccāra aṉupavam Above I used GOOGLE Translator to convert my English Title into a Tamil Title. Look above at the Translations. Cast: Devi, Vasan, Anu, Charles, Ahazil, Raja, Dinesh Kumar DOP: Naveen Kumar, Editing & DI: Arun Varadhan