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Subtitles Bringing Us Together

Have you ever been interested in a show that suddenly popped up on your timeline? The characters look interesting, the plot looks deep, and the overall vibes of the show give off something that you’d definitely watch. But when you look up the show for yourself, you feel disappointed because it is in a language you cannot understand. You immediately sigh (or however else you like to put out your frustrations). But then you see a button at the bottom right. The CC (closed captions) button gives you a sense of hope. And when clicking it, you see that it offers subtitles in your language. You feel happy knowing that you can actually watch the show now.

.. You’ll just have to balance out reading the subtitles and watching the show at the same time somehow.

In films, television shows, or videos, subtitles are a textual representation of the dialogue or narration shown on the screen to help viewers comprehend the content. They are accommodating for people who are hard of hearing or deaf, as well as for people who might not be fluent in the language used in the audio. Closed subtitles are optional and can be accessed through a specific setting, whereas available subtitles are permanently displayed. Subtitles can be opened or closed. They ensure that viewers of all backgrounds and abilities can fully engage with the visual media and comprehend the spoken words by providing an inclusive viewing experience.

When I think of subtitles, there’s a specific show that comes to mind that I watched when I was a kid (I kinda do now, too, now that it was picked back up.)

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir is an animated television series that captivates audiences with its thrilling adventures and charming characters. Set in the vibrant city of Paris, the show follows the dual lives of the two main characters, two high school students who become heroes when evil threatens their city.

Miraculous is well-known for its captivating plot and engaging characters. The show’s French heritage is reflected in a variety of cultural elements. Miraculous has gained popularity all over the world, including in the United States, but it retains distinct cultural features that distinguish it from American culture. The natural landforms, physical surroundings, social cues, cultural influences, economic circumstances, and politics of Miraculous are the focus of this essay’s investigation of the city’s cultural aspects.

Most of the action in Miraculous takes place in the charming French city of Paris. The show does a beautiful job of capturing the essence of the city by showcasing iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the beautiful Seine River. The series’ streets, urban environments, and architectural styles align with the romantic and picturesque appeal frequently associated with Paris. By incorporating French culture and language, Miraculous displays cultural influences. The characters’ frequent use of French words and phrases emphasizes the significance of French culture and language. French social etiquette is reflected in the manner in which people interact.
In addition, the show places a significant emphasis on fashion, with characters donning outfits and styles reminiscent of Paris, highlighting the series’ cultural influences even more. Miraculous indirectly reflects certain aspects of French society, even though it focuses primarily on the superhero story and does not extensively examine economic or political issues. The significance of cultural heritage and the preservation of historical landmarks is emphasized, demonstrating how important these aspects of French culture are. A wide range of mythological and cultural elements worldwide influences Miraculous. These influences represent the global nature of the show’s narrative and are not exclusively French. A diverse and multicultural world that piques the interest of a wide range of people is created by incorporating elements from a variety of cultures, including Greek, Japanese, Chinese, and Egyptian. There are numerous ways that Miraculous differs from American culture. First, it differs from the American English used in American media by including phrases and language from France.
In contrast to the typical American settings frequently found in animated series, the show’s primary location, Paris, offers a distinctly European flavor compared to some American cultural norms, which may emphasize individualism and informality—miraculous places emphasis on formality, politeness, and cultural heritage. In addition, Parisian fashion trends exhibit a distinct style and influence compared to American fashion.

As stated before, the setting takes place in Paris, France, so it is a French cartoon. The show initially started in 2015 and began to gain recognition in the US to the point where Nickelodeon picked up the show and dubbed the language into English. But before that, there was the option to watch the show with English subtitles.

(as shown below)

thank you, plagg. Very cool.

We can comprehend better and appreciate a variety of forms of media thanks to subtitles. Subtitles are invaluable for overcoming language barriers and promoting inclusivity in all media, including movies, television shows, and even online videos. Subtitles’ significance and contributions to accessibility, cultural exchange, and media enjoyment are examined in this essay.
Subtitles can significantly improve comprehension, even for people who speak the language well. Subtitles ensure no subtle details are missed in scenes with heavy accents, whispers, or complex dialogue. They make difficult-to-decipher terms, slang, or technical jargon easier to understand. Additionally, subtitles aid in overcoming audio distractions, making it possible for viewers to comprehend dialogue amidst background noise or other audio disturbances. Subtitles are essential to the media landscape because they make content accessible, encourage cultural exchange, improve comprehension, and preserve artistic intent. They are necessary because they make it easier for people with hearing impairments to be included, help people learn languages, and let people worldwide enjoy diverse content. We can foster a more inclusive and interconnected society in which everyone has the opportunity to enjoy and comprehend media in all of its linguistic and cultural richness by recognizing and appreciating the significance of subtitles.