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Global Technology

Today we were asked to research virtual reality in classrooms. I chose YouTube 360 because with this you can visit any place in the world without the limitation of not being able to look around you. You can visit other countries, space, the ocean, wildlife, etc. It makes it much easier to demonstrate certain places to your students and engages them more because they feel like they are actually in this other place. You can even make your own videos (or find videos) to share with other educators that may work in places where they can’t visit other places. Most schools cannot afford to visit a new place for every lesson plan, but with YouTube 360 they don’t need to. You can visit any place in the world from the comfort of your own classroom, and even visit the same places as other educators. This helps with collaboration because more educators will have access to the same resources, helping them come together to create intricate lesson plans. I am a strong believer that the more people work on a project, the better the quality of it is because you have so many backgrounds and knowledgeable people working together towards a common goal, to better education for students everywhere. Bigger and reputable organizations such as National Geographic create YouTube 360 videos of places that teachers would not have access to otherwise such as Viking battles, the ocean, space, wildlife, Antarctica, etc.

This is one of many videos that explore different parts and eras of the world. There are many creators that have made playlists with a variety of YouTube 360 videos for others to use and even share with others, the video above is 1/68 YouTube 360 videos. You can even combine this technological tool with other tools to create lesson plans and share with others. Some educators use GPT API to have it create some lesson and edit it to better fit your classroom, and even share with others. Here is an example of a teacher who created a lesson plan with AI and shared it on X for other educators.

The use of AI in classrooms has drastically changed how teachers can present information to their students and format lesson plans, and social media platforms have changed how much access educators have to new ideas and tools. It is important to research what AI you want to use with your students so you can use it to its fullest potential, as well as share with others who could better the work you have already started. AI and VR can make learning better, and it is important that we, as educators, know how to properly use these tools to give our children (and children in other parts of the world) the best education possible.

How Are Veative and Education Connected?

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) have become very popular, especially regarding the terms of being in a classroom. Take the platform Veative, for example. It creates immersive and interactive experiences, making learning more engaging and memorable. Adopting VR and AR in classrooms reflects a desire to enhance the learning experience, catering to diverse learning styles and preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of a technology-driven world.

What is Veative?

Veative is an exciting tool for education! It is an immersive learning app that uses VR and AR to create engaging educational experiences for grades K-12 and higher education. In the classroom, it can bring subjects to life by providing students with interactive 3D models, simulations, and virtual experiments. This hands-on approach can make complex concepts more understandable and memorable.

How Is It Used In A Classroom?

Veative allows users to browse numerous modules and courses from science, history, or geography! Students can explore virtual labs, conduct experiments, and visualize complex concepts. In addition, you can take virtual field trips to historical sites or explore different cultures. The immersive nature of Veative can enhance the overall learning experience and cater to various learning styles.

The platform also provides teachers with analytics and assessments to track students’ progress, making identifying areas needing more attention easier. It is a tool that aligns well with the shift towards more interactive and technology-enhanced learning in the modern classroom.

360 Videos

Who doesn’t love watching 360 videos? Watching these videos lets you imagine you are in a specific place and exploring independently. Veative has numerous 360 videos that students can watch. The videos on the website are not part of the Veative offering but are available on YouTube for free. You can pick from different subjects on what type of video you want to watch.

Global Collaboration in Education

Veative can contribute to global collaboration in education through various features and capabilities to connect students and educators meaningfully. Through its immersive VR experiences, Veative fosters a shared environment where learners worldwide can engage in collaborative projects, virtual field trips, and cross-cultural exchanges. The platform’s ability to create shared virtual spaces enables the following:

  • Real-time interactions
  • Discussions
  • Teamwork
  • Breaking down barriers
  • Nurturing a sense of global community

Furthermore, Veative provides a dynamic platform that not only enriches the learning experience but also prepares students for a globally interconnected future by promoting cultural understanding, language skills, and collaborative problem-solving on a global scale.


In conclusion, Veative emerges as an innovative educational force, blending technology and global collaboration to reshape the learning landscape. Its immersive capabilities rise above traditional boundaries, allowing students to engage in shared experiences, collaborate worldwide, and gain insights that extend far beyond what goes on in the classroom. As education continues to evolve, Veative stands are at the forefront, not just as a tool for learning but as a gateway to a more interconnected and collaborative future for students worldwide.

Make sure to follow my Twitter (X) account: @taliana_ayala

Virtual Reality Could be the Future of Education

A young student using a VR (Virtual Reality) headset.

Virtual Reality is quickly evolving and becoming a second world through our eyes. To be able to see different worlds and experience things through a headset can mean students can be exposed to more educational resources. Students can learn about other countries, anatomy, the ocean, and much more with one simple tool.

Students can take a quick trip to France in 40 minutes within their class period with a VR headset. VR allows the users to see different things easily, and very realistically. Virtual Reality can bring more engagement into the classroom as well because not only is it informational, but it is a fun experience for students. It can give the students something to look forward to in school. Virtual Reality allows students to see things in different dimensions, different countries, space… mostly anything you can think of. VR headsets can be very beneficial in the classroom.

In terms of Global Collaboration, students will easily be able to see into a different country and interactively see it themselves. Using Virtual Reality to teach students about other countries can be more impactful because the students will be able to see the world in their own eyes without actually being there, and it is very different than just looking at a photo. It gives the students more interest in wanting to see more of the world and learn about what is going on in different places.

Virtual Reality can be a great resource in the classroom for many different reasons. Schools should look more into these devices because the benefits and convenience of using them are unbeatable for what these simple devices can do!

Thank you for reading!

Embracing the Future: Virtual Reality in Classrooms and the Gateway to Global Collaboration

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, the integration of virtual reality (VR) into classrooms has emerged as a groundbreaking development. This technology transcends traditional learning methods, offering immersive and interactive experiences that significantly enhance educational outcomes. But perhaps the most exciting aspect of VR in education is its potential to foster global collaboration, paving the way for a more interconnected and understanding world.

Virtual Reality Box

Virtual reality has revolutionized the way students learn and interact with educational content. By creating a three-dimensional, interactive environment, VR allows students to explore concepts and scenarios that would otherwise be inaccessible. This immersive experience leads to better engagement, improved retention of information, and an overall more enjoyable learning process.

Imagine a history class where students can virtually walk through ancient civilizations, or a biology lesson where they can explore the human body from the inside. VR makes these scenarios possible, transforming abstract concepts into tangible experiences.

Augmented Reality in Classrooms

The true potential of VR in the classroom, however, lies in its ability to connect students across the globe. Here’s how VR contributes to successful global collaboration:

  1. Breaking Down Geographical Barriers: VR allows students from different parts of the world to interact in a shared virtual space. This technology eliminates the physical and logistical constraints of traditional international exchanges.
  2. Cultural Exchange and Understanding: Through collaborative VR projects, students can experience and understand diverse cultures more intimately. This fosters empathy and respect, essential components for successful global collaboration.
  3. Language Learning and Practice: VR provides an immersive environment for language learning, where students can practice with native speakers in real-life scenarios, without ever leaving their classroom.
  4. Global Problem Solving: By collaborating in virtual environments, students can work together on global issues like climate change or sustainable development, promoting a sense of global citizenship and responsibility.
Global Collaboration

Numerous schools and institutions have already begun to harness the power of VR for global collaboration. For instance, a project connecting students in the United States with their counterparts in Syria used VR to share experiences and perspectives, breaking down misconceptions and building bridges between diverse communities.

Another example is a global environmental science program, where students from various countries collaborate in a VR space to understand and address environmental challenges. These real-world applications highlight the immense potential of VR in fostering global understanding and cooperation.

The use of virtual reality in classrooms is not just about technological advancement; it’s about shaping a new generation of globally-minded individuals. As VR becomes more accessible and its applications in education more widespread, we can look forward to a future where students are not only well-educated but also more empathetic and connected to their global peers. The possibilities for collaboration and mutual understanding are limitless, and it’s up to us to harness this potential to its fullest.

As we stand on the brink of this new educational era, it’s essential for educators, policymakers, and technology developers to work together to ensure that VR technology is used to its maximum potential in classrooms around the world. The future is here, and it’s virtual. Let’s embrace it to create a more connected, collaborative, and understanding world.


  1. Grammar Check and re-correction : ChatGPT v3.5 & Grammarly, 12/10/2023.

Nearpod – The Future of Technology in the Classroom?

Nearpod is one of the leading websites in creating interactive classroom experiences. The website has a wide library of over 22,000 pre-made videos, lessons, and activities from numerous educational publishers. Nearpod also lets teachers create their own lessons, with the ability to upload videos, PDFs, and slideshows to implement into virtual or augmented reality. These lessons are customizable, with over twenty different formats for assessments and media experiences.

Nearpod’s wide array of lessons, and ability to create one’s own lessons, allows for a near endless pool of opportunities for global collaboration and exploration. For example, in this featured lesson plan students are able to take a virtual reality trip to Hong Kong to explore the celebration of Lunar New Year and the traditions behind it, which also features an extensive lesson on the holiday as well as its impacts on culture in the United States. Thus, through lessons like these, students are able to immerse themselves into cultures and regions all across the world, and thus increase global collaboration through mutual understanding and learning about, and through, each other.

Overall, nearpod’s structure is very conducive to enhanced, or even transformative student learning, and allows for increased immersion into other cultures and places across the world, all without having to leave the classroom. The potential impacts a program like this may be the future of increasing global collaboration and learning in the classroom, even from an early age.






7 Accessibility Tools

In this article, I will be introducing you to 7 different accessibility tools that can be very beneficial for students. Accessibility tools are utilized by students who may have a disability or learning disability, and they are tools to make their learning experiences easier. Not only are they designed to help those individuals with a disability, but they are also available for anyone to use. Because they are accessible to anyone, they are very helpful and can be beneficial in so many ways.

Jaws Screen Reader

Jaws logo.

Jaws screen reader is a great tool that was created for computer users with vision loss. Not only does this software provide screen reading, but it also provides braille for those who cannot read the screen at all. Jaws allows users who cannot see to use the internet and use technology just like anyone else. It provides different features to help them navigate the web, send emails, write documents, and create presentations.


ZoomText logo.

ZoomText is another great software for those who have vision problems. Reading screens all day can take a toll on your eyes and some people have bad vision already. ZoomText allows computer users to magnify the words on the screen. This tool can be very helpful for people who cannot see closely or cannot see small items on the screen.

Select and Speak – Text to Speech (now known as iSpeech)

iSpeech logo.

iSpeech is another great tool for students, and this one can be for people who may speak a different language. This program provides many different languages to choose from for translating. It also has the option to playback slow, regular, or fast for the user’s preference speed. This tool can also be used for translating certain words for assignments but mostly helps individuals who speak different languages.

Google Docs: Type With Your Voice

Google Docs logo.

Google Docs provides a speech-to-text tool that can be very helpful for impaired users. Speech-to-text can be beneficial for users who cannot get their thoughts from their heads onto paper when typing or writing. The user will be able to speak into their device’s microphone and tweak any mistakes it comes up with. Usually, grammar and punctuation might need tweaking, but you can also speak the punctuation as well.


Read&Write logo.

Read&Write is an extension of Google Chrome that can assist students with their reading and writing. This program can be great for students with disabilities as well as students who need extra help with an essay. Read&Write provides many features some of them being, text-to-speech, easy read-along, text and picture dictionaries, and many more features. This program can be beneficial for many students who need help with reading and understanding certain content.

QuickVoice Recorder

QuickVoice Recorder logo.

QuickVoice Recorder is a great tool for students who have trouble taking notes in class. This application allows the user to record memos of class lectures, notes, meetings, and much more so they are able to come back to it later. This is a great tool for students who also have trouble paying attention, and having access to the recording of a lecture can be beneficial for them.


Mindly logo.

Mindly is an application which is for mind mapping, created to keep the user organized. This program lets the user create diagrams based off of how they’re thinking to keep themselves organized. Mindly is a great application for students who have trouble keeping their thoughts and work organized, and this app gives them a place to organize things how it works for them.

All of these tools are very helpful and beneficial for students and technology users with disabilities, or who need extra help. Each tool has different features that can help the user adapt to using technology more easily.

Thank you for reading!

Elevate Your Presentation Game with Microsoft Presenter Coach

Presenter Coach Guides you well

Public speaking, whether in a classroom, boardroom, or conference, is a skill that can be a game-changer in your personal and professional life. It’s not just about what you say but also how you say it. To help you become a more confident and effective presenter, Microsoft has introduced an impressive feature called Presenter Coach. In this blog, we’ll explore what Presenter Coach is, how it works, and the benefits it brings to your presentation skills.

What is Presenter Coach?

Presenter Coach is a unique AI-driven feature within Microsoft’s PowerPoint. It’s designed to help individuals enhance their presentation delivery by providing real-time feedback and suggestions. With Presenter Coach, you can practice your presentation skills, refine your delivery, and gain insights into how you can improve your public speaking abilities.

How Does Presenter Coach Work?

Using Presenter Coach is simple and intuitive. Start by creating your presentation in PowerPoint as you normally would. When you’re ready to practice, simply click on the “Rehearse with Coach” button. As you practice your presentation, Presenter Coach listens to your speech and offers real-time feedback on various aspects of your delivery. It assesses your pacing, pitch, and use of filler words such as “um” and “uh.”

After your practice session, Presenter Coach provides a detailed report that summarizes your performance. It highlights areas where you excelled and areas that need improvement. Presenter Coach not only identifies issues but also offers suggestions on how to enhance your delivery. It provides recommendations on reducing filler words, using more inclusive language, and improving your pace for a more engaging presentation. It also checks for inclusivity by flagging any potentially offensive language, ensuring that your presentation is respectful and accessible to a wide range of audiences.

Benefits of Using Presenter Coach

Using Presenter Coach provides several advantages. First, it enhances your confidence by allowing you to practice and receive real-time feedback. Second, it helps you improve your delivery, making you a more effective communicator. It’s also a time-efficient way to refine your presentation skills. Additionally, it encourages inclusivity and respect in your presentations, which is essential in our diverse world. Finally, Presenter Coach fosters a culture of continuous learning, making it a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced presenters.

(Grammar Checked by GPT4 & Grammarly)

Presenter Coach Application

After reading Chapter 2 in the textbook, I found a new application that I had never heard of before, and the features that are provided help students, teachers, and anyone looking to improve their public speaking skills can benefit from using it. By integrating in-game chat capabilities, such as virtual and augmented reality, teachers can give their students compelling learning experiences in the classroom. The coach will also track the number of times you use words similar to “um” or “basically” to help with the fluency and flow of your wording when speaking. I think this is a tremendous tool to keep hold of when preparing for a presentation because feedback is extremely vital in the growth and progression of communicating in front of an audience.

Childhood Education International Review

I chose Global Schools First – Childhood Education International because it is a resource for global education in grades k-8. I never really heard about this tool and decided that it would be good to learn about a new tool. This tool focuses on diversifying schools and implementing it into clubs, the learning curriculum, the school culture, etc.

One of their main focuses is sustainable learning. Sustainable learning “refers to educational practices that contribute to a continually evolving, healthy learning ecosystem in which knowledge is co-created and shared in a community.” This is especially important to me because my goal for my global goals project is quality education. Sustainable learning is one of the steps towards improving quality education because it works towards bettering education for everyone.

This video better explains sustainable learning and how this organization plans to improve it.

This tool also has a section in their website dedicated to courses. The main purpose of these courses is to help educators better their way of teaching and look at their students through a new light. Some of their free courses include “Webinars & Workshops Archive,” “Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Early Childhood,” “Integrating Social and Emotional Learning,” etc. There are a variety of courses that focus on very different topics, maximizing the number of skills that teachers can acquire. In addition, this is a global tool so there are courses in many different languages, improving quality education worldwide.

Global Collaboration for Young Learners

Young students observing a globe.

Importance of Collaboration

Collaboration is a huge factor in young student’s social and academic growth. Learning from a young age how to collaborate gives students a chance to learn from others, and share their own ideas with others. Students gain a lot of confidence in their social skills from working with groups in school. I chose this tool to research because I believe it is a huge part in student growth!

Global Collaboration

Empatico offers a program for students to collaborate with other students from all around the world. Young students who are introduced to this program can learn so much about other countries and how they learn and what they’re going through. It can teach students about empathy through these digital exchanges. More than 23,000 educators in 131 countries have used this platform for over 2,000,000 students all over the world. It is a great program to get introduced to different schooling and different cultures.

It is a very easy way to communicate with students and educators from different countries which I find so interesting. It is not common to be able to do these things in school so it’s very exciting to learn more about this program. I would love to utilize this program in my own class, and teach students the importance of being able to empathize and to learn about other countries and cultures. I would allow my students to do it once or twice a week so they can keep in touch with their penpal, and hopefully build a friendship with them. I would listen to my students opinions on the program, whether or not they liked it. If it is something they really enjoy, I would pass the word on to more teachers so they can give their students a fun learning experience as well.


This program was made to teach students how to show that they care for others, and learn about self-awareness. Being able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, or understand someone else’s feelings can be a huge factor in socially and emotionally growing up. Behavior also plays a huge role in this program because what students do for others makes a huge impact. This program can help those students learn these skills.

Screenshot from the website.

What Does Empatico Offer?

Empatico offers many different tools. Here is a list of what they offer:

  • Empathy centered activities
  • Being able to explore the world and make connections
  • Messaging and scheduling
  • Live exchanges

All of these tools can help students not only gain emotional and social skills, but they also will learn about many different countries and cultures, as well as learning how to message others and schedule live meetings.

Thanks for reading!