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Collaboration and The EdTech Workshop

The EdTech Workshop gives numerous opportunities for educators and students to collaborate with each other. This tool is essential because it benefits teachers to fill their toolbox with the tools, blueprint, and skills that are needed to build effective, efficient, and engaging lessons for students.

Why Is Collaboration Significant?

In any environment, whether it is in an education field or a workspace, collaboration is important because it means working together with other people to achieve goals or solve problems. When we collaborate with a group or in a team, we can:

  • Combine our strengths
  • Share ideas
  • Learn from each other
  • Get different perspectives and opinions
  • Accomplish bigger tasks

Everyone has different skills and knowledge so when we work together, we can use our strengths to get more done. In addition, we can share our thoughts and come up with better intakes. We can also learn new things from our peers and grow as individuals in order for us to finish what needs to be done.

The EdTech Workshop

The EdTech Workshop was created by Greg Jung, the CEO of Jung Education Consulting and a retired Instructional Technology Coach and Teacher. His creation of this tool is to help educators with different methods on how to collaborate with other faculty and students in order to achieve their goals. For example, he has created a template for when individuals are working together in a group. In this template, his strategy gives each member of a group a chance to speak up and share their voices. This template can be shared, downloaded, or even printed out to be completed.

Make sure to follow my twitter: @Taliana_Ayala

Using FigJam For Global Collaboration and Education

With FigJam, we can now come together to learn about different topics as educators share their ideas with an online whiteboard tool. Students and teachers can use this to brainstorm ideas and collaborate with one another.

What Is The Platform?

FigJam is a brainstorming tool that makes it easy to get an entire team involved in the collaboration process. The whiteboarding tool allows you to:

  • Use sticky notes and shapes to share, group thoughts, and ideas
  • Use the marker to draw freehand, annotate the screen, or jot down quick notes
  • React with stickers, stamps, and reactions to flag questions or up-vote ideas

What Features Are There?

There are support resources and guides that can help you get started and they are the following:

  • Templates: There are numerous templates that you can choose from that are used to create story maps, flow charts, and brainstorming.
  • Collaborating on Zoom: You can host virtual workshops and brainstorming sessions using Zoom. You can have open sessions to invite everyone.
  • Feedback: Educators and students can connect with each other to keep conversations going and run critiques on designs.

Why Is It Important?

FigJam is essential in global collaboration and education as it is designed to discuss and share ideas with their teams. It is easy to understand and enjoyable to use. A team can get together and collaborate on projects from beginning to end. As technology is becoming more advanced everyday, this tool can be beneficial to grades K-12 as teachers and educators can show their lessons and let students engage in their learning.

Make sure to follow my twitter: @Taliana_Ayala