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Train to Busan: A South Korean Horror Film

SPOILERS WARNING: If you would like to watch Train to Busan before continuing to read this blog, follow the link HERE to watch on Youtube for free with ads. It is in Korean with English subtitles.

Train to Busan is a South Korean zombie horror film where the main protagonist Seok-woo, portrayed by actor Gong Yoo, is trying to reclaim the trust of his daughter while trying to lead her and survivors to safety during a virus outbreak. The title stems from the fact that Seok-woo and his daughter Su-an are taking a train to the city of Busan for Su-an’s birthday to go see her mother. Those infected with the virus have overrun many major cities and conveniently, the only city that has not been shut down by the military or overrun by zombies is Busan. Throughout their journey, each train and train car they enter continues to get overrun by the infected. They have to continuously fight their way through the trains, losing many survivors along the way and trying to survive until they reach Busan. It is a very intriguing film compared to many American zombie and/or horror films due to its unique conflict and its creative takes in regards to filming. I do not typically watch shows or movies that are not in English, not for any particular reason, it just never occurred to me. Therefore, I will be using Train to Busan and compare and contrast its story, character’s personalities and values, and cultural aspects to that of American films.

As mentioned, this movie takes place is Seoul, South Korea with their final destination being Busan. The map above shows more or less what the route they would have taken looks like when taking the KTX train. They even consider other cities on this map such as Daejeon as possible safe places. The route to Busan is approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes long, and the movie itself is almost two hours long. Unlike many American movies I have seen, especially American horror movies, these types of situations typically occur over the course of days. Gradual outbreaks. For the creators of this film to have the main conflict unfold over the course of only a few hours and having the film be about the length of the normal train ride to Busan, it really adds to the urgency and stressful atmosphere created in the film. That said, while the main setting of this film does take place within a train, they do make stops in train stations and pass through major cities along the way where every time they are surprised by the lack of people and then attacked by masses of the undead. This tells us not only how densely populated these cities are, but also how frequently train is used to travel from one city to the next. In each train they enter, or rather try to enter, they are bombarded by dozens of zombies in each train car and in the beginning of the film when they first get on the train before the outbreak occurs, the train was already packed with passengers and there were others waiting to get on. In America, while trains are available for travel, it is not a common form of travel and our railroad network is mainly used for freight trains. The New York City subway is definitely more likely to be packed similarly to this rather than a regular train even in a densely populated city.

Security is lacking on these trains. In the beginning of the film we see two people sneak onto the train. One is a girl who was just infected and the other is a homeless man. The girl was able to jump on quickly when the train conductor turned around. The homeless man was hiding in the bathroom which the young daughter Su-an comes to see. No one tells her to return to her seat for her safety. She also continues to move through each train car with no supervision. However, I am going to assume this is to push along the plot of the movie and have us further understand just how careless and absent her father is and that this lack of safety is not actually practiced.

The social dynamics and values present in the film are actually not so different from what can be seen in America. The main character, Seok-woo, is a father who works an office job as a funds manager. He just recently separated from his wife and they are splitting time with their daughter Su-an. However, Seok-woo is rather absent in his daughter’s life due to how demanding his job is and that is introduced through the fact that he is unfamiliar with his daughter and her interests and him missing her school events. His mother who lives with him even gives input to the situation, saying that he should focus less on his working and focus more on fixing his marriage for his daughter’s sake. The depiction of these struggling nuclear families are very common in American television as well considering it is something that many who watch can relate to. We see this in popular television such as The Walking Dead, a zombie horror series where Rick Grimes, father of Carl and husband to Lori, is attempting to rekindle the spark with his wife and protect his family and others during a zombie apocalypse. His relationship to his family often suffered due to his work as a sheriff’s deputy. Both Rick Grimes and Seok-woo are faced with the reality of their situations and completely turn around and become strong and better men in order to protect their families, even if it puts their own lives at risk. They become characters that we cheer for because of their determination and courage to protect their families, as many of us would hope we would be able to do in times of crisis.

Throughout the film, women and children are made a priority to get to safety. Besides the young girl Su-an, there is also a teenage girl, a pregnant women, and two older women who are sisters. Throughout each seen, all of these women are shown a lot of care and respect. They are offered seats on the trains and Su-an even offers her seat to one of the older women. Both the older and pregnant woman offer Su-an a hard boiled egg and a Korean snack. When the survivors are being attacked, the women and children are made a priority. The men are either in front of them leading the way or left behind to fight off the undead and push the women and children forward. Of course there were selfish people throughout the film, but that is to be expected in any case. This is a social value that is shared in America as well. Women, children, and the elderly are often made a priority and we see this especially in films. However, I will say, especially in the present day, we are seeing women take on more traditionally male roles in films. Referring back to The Walking Dead, we see a character named Andrea demand to help the men protect the farm they are staying at and be taught how to use guns while the other women worked on providing stability with cooking and cleaning. As the series continued, the women began to take on leadership roles in their newfound communities. I am curious of any of the other movies in the Train to Busan series have women take on more leadership roles. The only time where we really see a woman take charge in the film is right at the end where it is just Seok-woo, Su-an, the pregnant woman and a zombie and the woman pulls the zombie off of Seok-woo in an attempt to help.

As we see in this film and in many others from other cultures where chaos insus, initially everyone is concerned about their own safety. Everyone is watching the news on the television screen on the train or looking at news outlets on their phone, and while the media is telling them not to panic, they are living in fear of what is to come and the images and videos being played are scaring them more. Many of them begin to panic and turn on each other or only lookout for themselves. Even our main protagonists have moments where they are not worried about anyone else. However, many people turn around as the number of survivors dwindle and they begin to work together in this time of crisis. It is not uncommon in any culture to see people from different backgrounds help each other and work together to get to safety.

They also attempt to be funny in times of crisis which not everyone does, but there are many people who are still able to find some light in bad situations. There is a scene where Seok-woo is stuck in the train bathroom with two other men he just finished fighting through the train with and they are picking on each other’s height and jobs. I will say in American horror movies, some degree of humor is almost expected and is very common. A vast majority of Train to Busan was serious, so I was surprised to see some humor thrown in very suddenly, but tactfully.

Besides the obvious cultural differences and similarities seen within the film, what I found to be the most interesting was the portrayal of zombies in this film compared to American media. In American film, television, and books, the undead are often portrayed as very slow, mindless creatures. Some typical stereotypes are they do not run, they are scared or attracted to fire, they are sensitive to nose, and they can only be taken down with a blow to the brain. A bite from an “American zombie” depending on the film can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours and the outbreak occurs over the course of days. The version of zombies depicted in this film run fast, are strong, do not need trauma to the brain to be taken down, and cannot see in the dark. They run almost at the speed of regular humans and can jump over things. They are still slightly mindless, for example they cannot open doors, but they are still so much more powerful. Also as mentioned, the conflict of this film occurs over the course of a few hours with anyone being attacked turning into one of the creatures in a matter of seconds. This film is so fast paced and intense for the viewers to watch. You can feel the stress and anticipation through the screen which is why I think this is one of the better zombie horror films to watch.

Thank you for reading!

Follow me on Twitter at @IreneOrtiz001

Microsoft Forms v. Google Forms

In the age of technology, there are many duplicate applications and websites that follow the formats of the ones that came before them. There are so many places to get templates and different formats for documents, slide shows, websites, and so on. If you were in school, whether as an educator or a student, in the early 2000s especially, you are probably mostly familiar with Microsoft Office products including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. I remember when I was in middle school between 2013-2015, we began to switch over to using Google Suite products like Docs, Slides, Spreadsheet, and Sites. They were essentially the same thing as the Microsoft products that I already knew, they were just simpler. There were less buttons and options, the templates were limited, and was generally the “squeaky clean” version. I got used to using Google Products for my education, so when I found out Microsoft had their own version of Forms, I was surprised. Google Forms was a product that I always had difficulty using. I just always felt like there could be more and as a future educator, now more than ever, I find a need for an application such as this one. After looking into Microsoft Forms, I cannot believe I have wasted so much time fighting with Google Forms.

Microsoft v. Google

Google Forms is a rather straightforward application. You create a new form, give it a name and a description then you can start adding your questions. You have the option to choose between multiple choice questions, long or short answers, scales, dropdown answers, and checking boxes. You can also add pictures and videos to questions and change the colors of your form as well as add a header. When someone answers the questions on your forms, you get an email of their responses and you can assign them a grade automatically or manually. What else could you need? Well Microsoft Forms has so much more to offer. In addition to what Google Forms has to offer, Microsoft allows you to customize your rating scale with different icons like thumbs, hearts, or stars. Very cute, but it goes beyond that. If you have ever tried to make a question in Google Forms where things need to be numbered in chronological order, it is actually very difficult because it has to be done in a grid and looks visually complicated and messy. Microsoft has an option for ranking questions as well as likert and net promoter score questions. Not only does it have more options for questions, it has more options for style and other features as well. You can change the style and font of the entire form, add a gif for your header, music to be played or paused during the assessment, start and end times, timers, and have it translated for different languages! It also has an AI feature that suggests questions and answers based on the others that you have input. It even creates its own personal QR code. When you are taking the assessment it also has an immersive reader option for those who need it. Compared to Google Forms, Microsoft Forms is not only significantly more expansive and detailed, it is also more inclusive and accessible for those creating and taking the form.

So Why Forms at All?

Forms is a technology alternative for assessments for students. Assessments are a method of getting an evaluation of a student’s understanding of course content. When educators know how well students understand the content, they are able to make adjustments to their methods and content to help students develop their understanding. But not only are forms a great for assessments, they are also a wonderful ways for students to communicate with their teachers. Educators are lifelong learners and in order to ensure they are providing their students with the best education they can, they must be willing to listen to their students. Teachers can use forms to have students provide them with feedback on content or lessons, do peer and self-evaluations, or even teacher evaluations. Some students would never be open about their thoughts, opinions, and feelings to a teacher’s face. It can be a scary thing, So giving the students and outlet where they can express concerns or misunderstands about your class or the content is vital for a healthy student-teacher communication.



Thank you for reading!

Follow me on Twitter at @IreneOrtiz001

Communication Made Easy Through Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader is a powerful piece of assistive technology made by Microsoft that is free to use and has become an embedded component in many of their software products. This tool allows students to follow the words on a screen while they are spoken aloud by the computer and follow along as the words get highlighted in real-time as they are spoken. This greatly benefits students with disabilities such as dyslexia but can really help any student improve their reading and language skills.

Immersive Reader reads text aloud to students as they follow along on the screen (image above)

Some of the features of Immersive Reader are:

Text can be made larger for people who may be visually impaired.

Words can be broken apart by their syllables to help young readers with their pronunciation.

Different parts of speech can be made different colors so students can understand the structure of a sentence.

Picture Dictionary allows students to click on a word and get a picture representation of that word.

Immersive Reader can translate text in 60 different languages.

Immersive Reader has the capability to greatly improve reading comprehension and language skills for students with accommodations and general education students. This digital tool is natural and easy to use and its use may lead to stronger communication in the classroom among students and teachers. When children fall behind with their language skills or struggle with a disability, they find it increasingly harder to communicate with those around them. Tools like this help ensure schools are doing all they can to alleviate those communication problems and give students a better opportunity at building those necessary language skills for life. More information about Immersive Reader can be found here and also here. If you scroll down on the first link and click on the interactive tutorial video, you can see how easy and useful this tool can be to help students communicate and gain reading comprehension (or to easily access this tutorial click on this link).

The Importance of Web Filters

Irene Ortiz | May 29, 2023

Have you ever been connected to a school’s network or logged into your own district given email and tried to access any websites just to be met with an error or blocked message? When I was in high school, I could not access Youtube when I was logged into my school Gmail account and it was very frustrating when it came time to do research for projects. I did not understand why my schools growing up put so many limitations on the sites we could reach. I always assumed it was so we did not look up anything inappropriate, but a brief article by Nicole Bixler titled “The Benefits of Using a Web Filter for Digital Learning” introduced me to a few ways in which web filters actually support education.

While schools are required to have some sort of web filters to ensure that students are not accessing inappropriate or irrelevant content, it also protects students. Online, everyone is open to things such as data leaks, tracking, identity theft, harassment, and cyberbullying and young children are some of the biggest victims. In today’s age where everyone feels they need to post everything online, we often hear of young children being targeted online by their classmates or even strangers. By limiting their access to certain sites such as social media sites, students are less likely to engage in harmful internet behavior that can hurt themselves or others.

Bixler also discusses how web filtering also provides students with valuable skills such as research, data analysis, collaboration, and focus. With limits on sites that they can access, they are forced to do further research on their topics and look for their answers using sites they may not have thought to use if they had immediate access to sites like Youtube, Reddit, or Wikipedia. Not all schools block these sites or familiar sites, but having them blocked keeps learners from getting distracted from their tasks. When students are unable to find the answers to their questions, they ask questions to their peers or communicate with their teachers and work together to find a solution. Though they may not appreciate it now, web filtering when done correctly can actually teach students essential skills and online safety that they may not otherwise receive with full internet access.


Thank you for reading!

Follow me on Twitter at @IreneOrtiz001

Collaboration With Educational Technology

In today’s world, it is imperative that educators take advantage of innovative technology that can help students learn. One way technology helps students learn is through collaboration. Collaboration has been a part of education for a long time. Group projects have always been utilized in schools to make students become comfortable working with others. Through collaboration, students are able to take on a more dynamic role, where they learn by interacting with their peers and sharing ideas to solve problems and work towards common goals. This has been shown to increase engagement, which will lead to better educational outcomes.

Microsoft Teams is a popular tech tool used in schools (logo above)

An article posted online by EdTech Magazine describes the necessity and effectiveness of integrating technology in educational settings to foster collaboration. This article addresses how during the pandemic, the distance-learning approach forced teachers to adapt and incorporate tech tools to facilitate online learning. Some of the tools the articles mentions are Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. These programs, “…allowed students to work together on shared documents and communicate easily with their peers and educators” (Kolber). Having worked on shared group projects with Google Drive through online collaboration, I can confirm that tools like these are easy to use and extremely helpful for working with others remotely. Students can work together on projects, ask each other questions, have access to class material, and ask their teachers questions all from their computer. These tools are an extension of the classroom environment and give students a new medium to learn through that they can have access to from home. The article also mentions how FlipGird, PearDeck, and Minecraft: Education Edition are effective tools that foster collaboration and students have a lot of fun working with.

Minecraft: Education Edition gives students a fun way to collaborate (image above)

These tools are just some of the innovative technology that are used in education to foster collaboration. When used appropriately, these tools can help students build collaboration skills in a learning environment. They give teachers a new, digital mode to use in their classrooms that may be more effective than more traditional methods at getting students to work together. The possibilities and capabilities of educational technology are exciting for education and they will play a big part in schools going forward.