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Global Collaboration for Young Learners

Young students observing a globe.

Importance of Collaboration

Collaboration is a huge factor in young student’s social and academic growth. Learning from a young age how to collaborate gives students a chance to learn from others, and share their own ideas with others. Students gain a lot of confidence in their social skills from working with groups in school. I chose this tool to research because I believe it is a huge part in student growth!

Global Collaboration

Empatico offers a program for students to collaborate with other students from all around the world. Young students who are introduced to this program can learn so much about other countries and how they learn and what they’re going through. It can teach students about empathy through these digital exchanges. More than 23,000 educators in 131 countries have used this platform for over 2,000,000 students all over the world. It is a great program to get introduced to different schooling and different cultures.

It is a very easy way to communicate with students and educators from different countries which I find so interesting. It is not common to be able to do these things in school so it’s very exciting to learn more about this program. I would love to utilize this program in my own class, and teach students the importance of being able to empathize and to learn about other countries and cultures. I would allow my students to do it once or twice a week so they can keep in touch with their penpal, and hopefully build a friendship with them. I would listen to my students opinions on the program, whether or not they liked it. If it is something they really enjoy, I would pass the word on to more teachers so they can give their students a fun learning experience as well.


This program was made to teach students how to show that they care for others, and learn about self-awareness. Being able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, or understand someone else’s feelings can be a huge factor in socially and emotionally growing up. Behavior also plays a huge role in this program because what students do for others makes a huge impact. This program can help those students learn these skills.

Screenshot from the website.

What Does Empatico Offer?

Empatico offers many different tools. Here is a list of what they offer:

  • Empathy centered activities
  • Being able to explore the world and make connections
  • Messaging and scheduling
  • Live exchanges

All of these tools can help students not only gain emotional and social skills, but they also will learn about many different countries and cultures, as well as learning how to message others and schedule live meetings.

Thanks for reading!

Mapping the Nation Tool

One of the best ways you can get kids more engaged in learning is by providing them with tools with which they can learn and have fun simultaneously.

Combining technology with learning can make for very interesting ideas on how to gain knowledge while also learning how to use technology.

A great tool I found for K–8 students is this interactive map by Asia Society that pulls together demographic, economic, and education indicators into data points that students can use to learn about the world.

This tool can increase the students knowledge about other parts of the world they might not be aware of.

They can figure out these stats through an interactive map:

The maps are color-coded, so it is easier for people to notice the differences and statistics.

This tool can be great for kids to learn and explore the world.

Students can learn about interesting statistics like the total population of areas, the number of languages spoken in each area, and the ancestry of the people living there. This tool can inform students about stats they never knew and provide a visual for them.

It is very important for kids to learn about the world they are living in, and these interesting statistics make them more informed about their country and the demographics that make it up.

If I were a teacher, I would let kids explore this tool and ask each other questions about the statistics and demographics. This would improve their ability to read and relay information to others.

How Microsoft Teams Can Make Working Together Easier

This image shows young students working together.

The Future of Collaboration

Working together in class has always been a huge component in learning how to collaborate. Collaborating is something everyone will need to do for the rest of their careers. By having an early and easy start to learning how to collaborate can get students on the right track. Microsoft Teams is a significant software to use to get students on that right track.

Hybrid Learning

Microsoft Teams is an easy to use software that has taken over classrooms everywhere. Personally, I used it in highschool and it was a great way for teachers and students to communicate and work together. During the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of my teacher depended on Microsoft Teams to teach their classes. Using online meetings for hybrid learning was a resourceful adaption when we most needed it.


Microsoft Teams also provides many great features. One that sticks out to me the most is the Accessibility Features which makes it easy for everyone to use.

Microsoft Teams offers an abundance of features within their program. Notebooks, interactive demos, meetings, private messaging, and emailing can all be done from this one program.


I really enjoy learning more about this software and how effective it can be. As a student who has used it for years, I can confirm that it truthfully benefits a lot of students and teachers. Communities can come together and build a stronger bond and improve collaborative skills. Microsoft Teams is truly the future of educational collaboration.

Thanks for reading!

Enhancing Education with Technology

With technology being more accessible than ever, it has rapidly made its way into the educational world and is providing educators with tools to enhance their classrooms and producing exceptional learning and collaborative experiences. These tools can help educators accommodate for their students and help all different types of learners achieve their full potential.

Types of Technological Tools

The article if found, discusses the various types of innovative technological tools educators can utilize to teach lessons and how it creates a collaborative community within the classroom. Some of the tools educators can utilize are interactive displays, 3D printing, and audio systems.

How these Tools are Beneficial

Interactive displays allow for students to visualize concepts easier and is a more fun and interesting way teachers can introduce more challenge material. 3D printing tools help create tangible creations that utilize engineering and critical thinking skills. Lastly, audio systems can be an accommodation for students who might have an audible disability, but also tools like microphones can be used to read aloud to the entire class.

Overall, these technological tools, and many more, and all very beneficial for the enhancement and sense of community within classrooms. The future of education will be bright by utilizing these technological tools.

AI ChatBots : Helping Teacher With Toughest Problems.

Ethical use of AI Chatbots that helps a teacher to tackle the toughest problems.

AI ChatBots for Teacher usage

Now a days AI chat bots has become a revolutionary tech and a talked topic among the world. It has been a blessing in one side and curse at the same time. With Ai chatbots we can gain limitless knowledge and sources in a single click for various purpose. It might be coding, writing article, gathering information or what not, ai chatbot can perform a limitless performance and can be the most powerful tool. At the meantime students are using it for cheating purpose as well. They are copying assignments without even going into it and what not.

However, ai chatbots are the power houses for the educational purpose. Mainly, the teacher can use the it for various purposes to help children. It can help a teacher to decorate the study plan. It also can help teacher to know anything that is unknown. Teacher also can set problems using ai chatbots for the exams and recheck it many times for a better quality.

Although, it can have some limitations as it is not dynamic or cannot create dynamic things, it can help a teacher to get the broad guide to the plans. In near future, ai chatbots can help teacher to detect plagarism , give suggestions about what to improve and what not. In short, a ai chatbots now a days plays important role in education to help the teachers and make the education system better. Only need is to supervise so that it can be used ethically.

To conclude, ai chat bots are friends of teachers. A teacher has so many hectic works in his/her day to day life. Moreover, it becomes tough to maintain everything sometimes. AI Chatbots help them to decorate and plan everything. It can help them to gather knowledge and also help them in every toughest problem possible.

(Grammar checked by GPT4 & Grammarly)

Augmented Reality: The Future of Education?

Augmented Reality, or AR, is a technology that enhances an individual’s experiences in the real world with an added virtual overlay. Unlike Virtual Reality, you are not fully immersing yourself into a virtual world; rather, AR technology imprints a virtual world upon the real world. This is an increasingly popular technology, with such programs as AR Games on the Nintendo 3DS and mobile game Pokémon Go being some of the most popular games to utilize augmented reality. However, AR may have the potential to enhance students’ educational progress as well.

User CybTekk posted a comprehensive thread on X (formerly Twitter) outlining the potential upsides of augmented reality within education. This user argues that AR would allow for the classroom experience to be more immersive, with such examples as “history com[ing] to life” and “virtual labs enhanc[ing] science classes,” and that with AR, students would be able to virtually connect with the rest of the world, and take virtual, augmented reality trips to various places in the world to learn about them, all without having to leave the classroom. Plus, the article mentions how 80% of businesses use AR, and that learning how to use it early may be a valuable tool in the job market of tomorrow.

Unfortunately, there is no mention of current AR tools in use within the educational field currently. However, the potential benefits of using AR for education are not to be overlooked. The idea of allowing students to be immersed into what they are learning, rather than learning at a distance, is an exciting idea for innovation within education. I like the ideas put forth by this user, and hope that the idea and application of using AR within education is one that continues to grow traction, as it very well may be a big part of the future of educational technology.

Thanks for reading!

How Educators Should Integrate Technology Into Their Classrooms

This article gives educators ideas of how to integrate technology into their classrooms. Technology is constantly evolving, and it is important as educators to keep up with the rapid industry. Many of us have already seen technology taking over classrooms. For example, many teachers use online study games in their classrooms to help their students understand material. Some of these online learning tools include Kahoot and Quizlet, which may sound familiar.

After the pandemic, many teachers have used technology to make learning easier and more efficient. We can see this with certain applications such as GoogleClassroom, BlackBoard, PowerSchool, Canvas, etc. Some may say that technology can be detrimental to students’ learning, but I disagree. Implementing technology into your learning curriculum could be extremely beneficial to your students as they pick up new skills and learn to easily adapt to new changes (tech world is constantly changing and evolving).

Despite some of the hate that using technology in classrooms may get, it makes learning 10x more efficient. Teachers are able to better prepare for their lessons with tools such as PowerPoints, engaging games, videos to show their students, etc. Majority of students use technology in their free time (phones and laptops) so using these things to your advantage could help keep your students be better engaged and enhance their understanding of the material. The culture that older teachers grew up in is vastly different from the culture that students in today’s world are growing up in. It is important for teachers to keep up with the new cultures because it could help them better connect with their students, and teach them in ways that they would be more motivated to learn in. Like everything, using technology to teach has its downsides such as certain applications not working correctly, internet not connecting, students being more susceptible to cheating, but the advantages that technology provides are far greater than these disadvantages. Students today are gaining skills in their youth that most professionals did not gain until later on in their careers/education. Technology in classrooms is just getting started and is just going to continue, so it is best that teachers learn to use it to their advantage as well as come up with strategies to reduce the disadvantages (such as cheating).

Students using Kahoot as a learning tool.

The Importance of Web Filters

Irene Ortiz | May 29, 2023

Have you ever been connected to a school’s network or logged into your own district given email and tried to access any websites just to be met with an error or blocked message? When I was in high school, I could not access Youtube when I was logged into my school Gmail account and it was very frustrating when it came time to do research for projects. I did not understand why my schools growing up put so many limitations on the sites we could reach. I always assumed it was so we did not look up anything inappropriate, but a brief article by Nicole Bixler titled “The Benefits of Using a Web Filter for Digital Learning” introduced me to a few ways in which web filters actually support education.

While schools are required to have some sort of web filters to ensure that students are not accessing inappropriate or irrelevant content, it also protects students. Online, everyone is open to things such as data leaks, tracking, identity theft, harassment, and cyberbullying and young children are some of the biggest victims. In today’s age where everyone feels they need to post everything online, we often hear of young children being targeted online by their classmates or even strangers. By limiting their access to certain sites such as social media sites, students are less likely to engage in harmful internet behavior that can hurt themselves or others.

Bixler also discusses how web filtering also provides students with valuable skills such as research, data analysis, collaboration, and focus. With limits on sites that they can access, they are forced to do further research on their topics and look for their answers using sites they may not have thought to use if they had immediate access to sites like Youtube, Reddit, or Wikipedia. Not all schools block these sites or familiar sites, but having them blocked keeps learners from getting distracted from their tasks. When students are unable to find the answers to their questions, they ask questions to their peers or communicate with their teachers and work together to find a solution. Though they may not appreciate it now, web filtering when done correctly can actually teach students essential skills and online safety that they may not otherwise receive with full internet access.


Thank you for reading!

Follow me on Twitter at @IreneOrtiz001

Collaborating for the Future

I found an article on twitter that goes over innovations that are being made in the world of education. As the world is advancing, we as educators, must advance with it to ensure that the future generations are getting a good education. By using our time wisely and not treating the summer as time away from the teaching profession we are able to keep up to date with new ways of teaching and our hone skills.

Some ways that we can expand our horizons are by connecting with others, innovating leadership, questioning why things are done a certain way, and encouraging students to use technology. By connecting with other we can expand out learning network, and if we use social media like twitter new ideas are only seconds away. Innovating leadership will allow for students to work together and create a shared vision. Questioning why things are the way they are helps build critical thinking skills that can show new perspectives and allows the students to be taught in a forward-thinking manner. Encouraging the use of technology allows students to engage with lessons in different ways and still facilitate a learning experience.

Collaborating with Technology

Everything in the article points to collaboration as the focal point of education moving forward. As teachers we can get together and talk about different ways we’re teaching. Then once we’ve tried them out, we are able to give feedback on what did and didn’t work; allowing us to improve lesson plans. Getting students to work together allows them to build collaborative skills that they will use throughout their lives and allows them to learn the lesson together.

UnidosUS’ Padres Comprometidos Program Helps Latino Parents Improve Digital Literacy Skills

The Office of Ed Tech Twitter account posted this article, detailing UnidosUs’ new program, Padres Comprometidos. UnidosUS is the largest nonprofit Latino civil rights advocacy organization in the U.S. The goal of this program is to help narrow the digital divide that is often an obstacle blocking Latino parents’ ability to advocate for their childrens’ education.

Technology is integrated into the education system more and more every day as shown in this image

Many parents in hispanic communities lack the necessary technology to communicate with the school system and stay engaged, or otherwise, do not understand how they can take advantage of the technology they have access to. The Padres Comprometidos Ed Tech Program offers resources to parents and guardians to teach them how to use common digital platforms and learning management systems used by schools. The program works with schools, districts, and PTAs to empower parents with digital skills so that they can build strong a strong relationship with the school and be fully invested in their children’s educational success.

With the increased use of digital tools in education, it is imperative that parents are equipped with the skills and knowledge to best support their children’s learning. Underserved communities with large Latino populations may suffer as schools integrate technology further. Programs such as these help to alleviate that issue and make a positive impact on the educational outcomes of children who grow up in these underserved communities.