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National Geographic VR in the Classroom

Virtual reality is still something new and always growing. I would say the main use for it right now, is for gaming. There are many gaming VR headsets being made, and games always being made. It definitely gets better as the years go on.

This is an image of an Oculus VR headset

I own an Oculus headset and just use it to play games with my friends. The technology is great, and you really feel you are in the setting. The graphics are usually never anywhere near realistic, but that is not what it is about right now. The better graphics will come in time. It is all about how it makes you feel.

In one game, my friend and I were on this hot air balloon. It took us up to the sky, and we would look around us for the view. It did make me feel a little dizzy and made me feel like I would actually fall to the ground in my room. It was so weird to think about. My body and mind felt like I was in the air, but in reality I was standing in the middle of my own room.

After doing some research, I came across an app for the Oculus called “National Geographic Explore VR.”

This is the trailer for the app with some footage

It is all about virtually visiting different landmarks, countries, and environments. I think this is such a great way to put this technology to use.

Not only that, it would be perfect for the classroom setting. Students would have a great time using the headset and app. It would really engage them to pay attention and to apply themselves into the lesson.

This app would always play a big part in contributing to global collaboration.

Throughout the course, we have seen so many examples of global collaborating by video chat between classrooms. These classrooms are usually from different parts of the world.

I can see two classrooms from opposite sides of the world learning from each other. They could speak about so many different things, like:

  • Their cultures
  • Differences in their everyday lives
  • Political views
  • Education system

There is an endless amount to talk about.

Students could use the app to visit the classroom’s country and explore for themselves. The classroom could recommend areas to look out, or specific landmarks that are significant to the country.

This would aid students in fully understanding their fellow classmates from other parts of the planet. The students would have a real grasp of everything discussed and hopefully retain the information. They should also have plenty of fun in doing so and immersing themselves in a whole other location.

Using an Oculus for global collaboration does not just have to be with this specific app. I am sure there are similar apps that may have better features in certain aspects. More will be made as the technology continues to develop. There is no doubt that this should have a part in education for the success of students all around the world.

How Microsoft Teams Can Make Working Together Easier

This image shows young students working together.

The Future of Collaboration

Working together in class has always been a huge component in learning how to collaborate. Collaborating is something everyone will need to do for the rest of their careers. By having an early and easy start to learning how to collaborate can get students on the right track. Microsoft Teams is a significant software to use to get students on that right track.

Hybrid Learning

Microsoft Teams is an easy to use software that has taken over classrooms everywhere. Personally, I used it in highschool and it was a great way for teachers and students to communicate and work together. During the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of my teacher depended on Microsoft Teams to teach their classes. Using online meetings for hybrid learning was a resourceful adaption when we most needed it.


Microsoft Teams also provides many great features. One that sticks out to me the most is the Accessibility Features which makes it easy for everyone to use.

Microsoft Teams offers an abundance of features within their program. Notebooks, interactive demos, meetings, private messaging, and emailing can all be done from this one program.


I really enjoy learning more about this software and how effective it can be. As a student who has used it for years, I can confirm that it truthfully benefits a lot of students and teachers. Communities can come together and build a stronger bond and improve collaborative skills. Microsoft Teams is truly the future of educational collaboration.

Thanks for reading!

A Greener London

The typical way of learning in a classroom is still a great way to learn and to get an education. There are plenty of people who do not have that luxury. However, just like with anything else in life, there is always room for improvement.

Collaboration is an important aspect of education and it is still something that educators are learning about. Collaboration allows us to:

  • Express our ideas
  • Receive feedback on ideas from others
  • Ask questions
  • Get more involved
  • Be creative
This image shows 4 students working together on an assignment.

In a normal classroom setting, group work is the main way children get to collaborate with their fellow students. There were always more way to collaborate but it just took something to jumpstart ideas from educators and even students.

Benefitting from the pandemic

This article, from 2022, dives into how the pandemic really gave us an opportunity to start collaborating with each other from home and not being face-to-face.

Almost all classes all over the world had top be stopped and everything was online. This forced schools and teachers to switch up their way of teaching. They were forced to use online learning tools. Two big examples are Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. Many of these online learning tools have different features to let students work along with each other and even speak without being in the same room together. Virtual breakout rooms let students do this while learning.

In these breakout rooms, students are in these smaller groups all trying to finish whatever assignment they were given. The breakout rooms are perfect for them to

  • Practice communication skills
  • Learn to work within a team
  • Work on ability to compromise and lead

Even after the pandemic when school and classrooms went back to being fairly normal, the tools being used were not just forgotten. Teachers and students were able to see how much more learning can be done with online tools. I would say that learning has definitely changed for the better since the pandemic.

Another online tool used to help students is a video game. That game is Minecraft. I personally am most surprised by this because of how much I used to play it. I would have never thought that this would be accepted in education because video games are generally seen as something bad. Many say that video games are the cause of many negative things, including your studies.

Minecraft has been used so much by educators that Microsoft took notice and developed a version just for that. It is called “Minecraft: Education Edition.” The main purpose for having students use Minecraft for school is engaging students in the learning process and content creation. Creativity is the soul of Minecraft. The limits of the game is up to your imagination.

Building Croydon

This next article explains the challenge set out by the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.

Sadiq Khan has a goal to tackle air pollution and reaching net zero carbon by 2030. His challenge for students in London is to reimagine Croydon Town Centre, but to make it greener and safer. This really allows students to get creative in their ideas to design the future of London. The age range for this is 5-24 years old and you can work alone or collaborate with friends. Once you have your city built with your ideas, you have to make a short video to go along with it. Your world can potentially be seen by the world when it is all presented.

I think this is a great idea for a great cause. Minecraft: Education Edition is also being provided to all school across London. This is a great chance for students to show their creativity and to work along with others to build something special. This is also just one example of how important collaboration can be for students to learn and to make a difference.

The future of Collaboration

Throughout your years in school, one of the fundamental building blocks in fostering social development and team working abilities is collaborating with other students in your classroom.

Collaborating with other people is very useful in helping solve problems and issues that you would otherwise not understand yourself.

Working with other people is always more benefical to get a task done, especially when that task involves things one person might not understand. To have multiple different perspectives on a problem will make it easier for people to find solutions and build projects.

We already collaborated during the pandemic by using Zoom and Google Meet to connect and learn with each other, but there are many other ways people can collaborate as well.

A great way students can collaborate nowadays would be Microsoft Teams.

Teams makes it easier for people to share files with other people and work on the together at the same time!

You can create files, edit with others and share with people outside of the team. This also works with projects you are working on in other sites like Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more.

This is a very effective way for people to work on projects with each other and learn to collaborate on those projects using technology. This will help foster growth in teamwork and other social abilities and is overall a wonderful way for people to come together and work!

Thank you for stopping by!

Benefits of Collaboration in the Classroom

Collaboration in the classroom offers an alternative form of learning in which students are essentially teaching one another. By working with a peer, students are bouncing ideas, answering each other’s questions, and allows for them to form leadership skills. Through collaboration, children are getting a more thorough, meticulous education.

Students working collaboratively to solve a problem together.