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Can I use AI?

Although ChatGPT is not the first of its kind, it brought a lot of attention to AI. Specifically the education world had all of their eyes locked on it. AI has caused a lot of debates for all kinds of people in many fields. This article dives deeper into the issues and some benefits AI can bring up. Research was done also for this topic and article.

The issue

ChatGPT is very new. It was only released towards the end of 2022 and has only helped spawn other similar applications. It almost immediately brought concern to educators. The very first concern was that cheating was easily accessible to students.

  • The AI could write university-level essays
  • Pass “some” exams
  • The attempts from AI were “largely indistinguishable” from an actual student
This image shows the AI asking for as much information to give a well written essay.

Are students actually using AI?

This article conduced research on Australian academics and Australian university students.

  • 110 people in the study
    • 78 Students
    • 32 Academics
  • Almost half of the people have not even tried to use any generative AI
    • From this half, 85% planned on not using this type of technology at their university for this coming school year.
    • These students who are not using AI really do feel that it would be considered cheating if they were to use and rely on it for their classes.

Cheating is a major topic for students when discussing using AI technology. Academic honesty is a big discussion for professors on the first day of classes in university. If caught cheating it could lead to failing and potentially being kicked out of your school. Since ChatGPT and similar applications are still so fresh, the rules for using it really varies on the professor you have. Right now students feel it is better to not use it all together to avoid any issues with potential cheating.

The study done also had written responses submitted. Another worry that many students shared is the actual information provided from the AI. They are not sure how reliable the content is. Just because a computer application is telling you something, it is important to remember that it can be wrong also.

AI is a tool

New things are always scary. It is important to look at the cons, but recognizing the benefits is just as important. The other half of students and everyone a part of the study that do use AI, made great point in favor of ChatGPT.

  • Used to help brainstorm ideas
  • Almost like having a “partner”: the interactive nature of the programs are very useful
  • leads to more efficient with your time and energy
  • Manage stress levels for students

The future?

The divide about using AI for assessment is not clear cut. 46% agree in using it, 36% disagree, and 16% are unsure. This is expected as it is so new and still so much to be learned. Not even half of the top 500 universities in the world have a clear statement about the use of ChatGPT at their university.

This topic and debate will only get bigger as the years go on. Not only that, answers will get clearer about the use. It is all about working together and finding what works best for students and how to make sure they are learning. Just copying, pasting, and cheating will not do students any good. They will not learn what they need. Teachers and professors may also benefit from AI use.


As we progress into the new age of technology, we are prone to creating unique experiences that will benefit us in the future. These experiences are being brought to the newer generation. It’s been brought to where it all starts; In the Classroom.

The tweet above (and linked) brings forth the start of Artificial Intelligence and the future of teaching and learning. The Office of Educational Technology states as its core message:

” The U.S. Department of Education (Department) is committed to supporting the use of technology
to improve teaching and learning, and to support innovations throughout educational systems.”

Bringing Artificial Intelligence into schools and classrooms can benefit the students, teachers, and the education system. There are many possibilities to look upon, but here are the more important ones.


Personalized Learning Artificial Intelligence can tweak instruction for every student in view of their necessities and inclinations.

Smart Tutoring Systems powered by artificial intelligence can provide students individualized guidance and support, enhancing their learning and comprehension.

Improved Collaboration Tools for artificial intelligence can make it easier for students to work in teams, collaborate on projects, and learn from each other.

Streamlined Administration Administrative tasks like scheduling and grading can be automated by artificial intelligence, allowing educators to concentrate on teaching.

Informed Decision Making Artificial Intelligence can break down student execution, participation, and conduct information, giving bits of knowledge that assist teachers with pursuing better choices.

Accessibility and Inclusivity Artificial Intelligence can help understudies with special needs, offering customized help and versatile tech.

Teacher Development Artificial Intelligence can uphold teachers’ expert development by suggesting assets and giving criticism on their education procedures.


Coordinating Artificial Intelligence in schools can further develop training quality, draw in students better, and support educators in their significant work.

And now, with this information in front of you, how do you feel about AI being a part of classrooms?

For more information about Artificial Intelligence in classrooms and what could be done, the hashtags #ArtificialIntelligence & #aiclassrooms are your links to go. ❀︎