The Exciting New World of AI

By suazorog September 18, 2023

The education world has been introduced to the use of generative AI tools in the classrooms and has been the center of conversation for educators for the past months. Many are uncertain whether the use of generative AI is a burden in education or an exciting new tool for students and teachers to use. As technology continues to develop, AI will continue to grow, and is necessary to understand how this technology may benefit classrooms.

Classroom Advantages with AI

  • Creating interactive and mentally stimulating lesson plans and activities.
  • AI can help teachers and students stay up to date with the latest topics that can contribute to the class.
  • Reduces workload of teachers and educators allowing, more focus on the students and their needs

The benefits of AI to students

With AI we are able to provide more support to the students individually.

  • Personalize learning by tailoring it to the student’s needs.
  • Providing immediate feedback to the student, offering guidance.
  • The creation of programs that will help further the learning experience of the students while mentally stimulating them.

In conclusion

Education is constantly changing and as educators, it is our duty to adapt to these changes to further the learning experience and growth of the students who are also adapting to the new world of technology as well. It is exciting to see how far AI can take us.

New global data reveal education technology’s impact on learning

This post will discuss technology and how it was a lifeline in schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. As children return to traditional classrooms, school districts must carefully consider the long-term role of technology in education.

This was a featured image so i don’t have a link for it.

AI ChatBots : Helping Teacher With Toughest Problems.

Ethical use of AI Chatbots that helps a teacher to tackle the toughest problems.

AI ChatBots for Teacher usage

Now a days AI chat bots has become a revolutionary tech and a talked topic among the world. It has been a blessing in one side and curse at the same time. With Ai chatbots we can gain limitless knowledge and sources in a single click for various purpose. It might be coding, writing article, gathering information or what not, ai chatbot can perform a limitless performance and can be the most powerful tool. At the meantime students are using it for cheating purpose as well. They are copying assignments without even going into it and what not.

However, ai chatbots are the power houses for the educational purpose. Mainly, the teacher can use the it for various purposes to help children. It can help a teacher to decorate the study plan. It also can help teacher to know anything that is unknown. Teacher also can set problems using ai chatbots for the exams and recheck it many times for a better quality.

Although, it can have some limitations as it is not dynamic or cannot create dynamic things, it can help a teacher to get the broad guide to the plans. In near future, ai chatbots can help teacher to detect plagarism , give suggestions about what to improve and what not. In short, a ai chatbots now a days plays important role in education to help the teachers and make the education system better. Only need is to supervise so that it can be used ethically.

To conclude, ai chat bots are friends of teachers. A teacher has so many hectic works in his/her day to day life. Moreover, it becomes tough to maintain everything sometimes. AI Chatbots help them to decorate and plan everything. It can help them to gather knowledge and also help them in every toughest problem possible.

(Grammar checked by GPT4 & Grammarly)

Virtual Reality is Beneficial for Education

Virtual Reality has become very popular in the 2010s, and it is rapidly evolving. From playing a video game to receiving a learning experience, Virtual Reality can be very impactful and an enjoyable experience for students!

This image displays young students using Virtual Reality in class.

The Benefits of VR in Education

I found this article which provides a lot of information on how VR can benefit in education.

  • Enhancing Student Engagement
  • Boosting Knowledge Retention
  • Improving Student Learning Outcomes
  • Developing Collaboration and Social Skills
  • Building Empathy
  • Supporting SEND Learning

Within this article, each topic goes more in depth on how each of these points help students learn.

Final Thoughts

I think Virtual Reality is a great resource for education. Students gain many great skills, not only for the classroom, but skills they will use for the rest of their lives. A point that stuck out to me the most was “Developing Collaboration and Social Skills.” By introducing these skills early on in education, it gives the students more confidence within the school environment and being comfortable starting conversations. Finding out that VR can help students learn those specific and important skills made me more interested because it is very crucial to learn at a young age.

Unfortunately, Virtual Reality headsets tend to be very expensive. It is uncommon to see these in a classroom due to some of the school district’s budgets. Although this is an unlucky occurrence, I hope in the future some districts make this a priority and see how much these devices can help their students learn!

Thank you for reading!

Educational Technology

This is my article about WordReader and how it’s changing the way kids read.

The WorldReader has become a best practice for students to learn and advance their reading skills using this piece of technology. It is an international device that expands literacy and promotes reading for children. The Worldreader received an award for being the 2023 Literacy Award in recognition of the work to get children to read and improve their literacy skills. It is a reading experience that improves reading comprehension, social-emotional, and digital reading skills for children between 3-12 years old. Children begin to learn to read and enjoy it when they use WorldReader. Rebecca Chandler, the CEO of WorldReader created this tool because she knows the importance of reading to assist in the development of a child’s brain function and how it will help them grow and learn in the modern world. Combining a fun and vital asset to children in today’s world will change the way future generations learn and retain information.

Augmented Reality: The Future of Education?

Augmented Reality, or AR, is a technology that enhances an individual’s experiences in the real world with an added virtual overlay. Unlike Virtual Reality, you are not fully immersing yourself into a virtual world; rather, AR technology imprints a virtual world upon the real world. This is an increasingly popular technology, with such programs as AR Games on the Nintendo 3DS and mobile game Pokémon Go being some of the most popular games to utilize augmented reality. However, AR may have the potential to enhance students’ educational progress as well.

User CybTekk posted a comprehensive thread on X (formerly Twitter) outlining the potential upsides of augmented reality within education. This user argues that AR would allow for the classroom experience to be more immersive, with such examples as “history com[ing] to life” and “virtual labs enhanc[ing] science classes,” and that with AR, students would be able to virtually connect with the rest of the world, and take virtual, augmented reality trips to various places in the world to learn about them, all without having to leave the classroom. Plus, the article mentions how 80% of businesses use AR, and that learning how to use it early may be a valuable tool in the job market of tomorrow.

Unfortunately, there is no mention of current AR tools in use within the educational field currently. However, the potential benefits of using AR for education are not to be overlooked. The idea of allowing students to be immersed into what they are learning, rather than learning at a distance, is an exciting idea for innovation within education. I like the ideas put forth by this user, and hope that the idea and application of using AR within education is one that continues to grow traction, as it very well may be a big part of the future of educational technology.

Thanks for reading!

Login Color Key to help kids login

One of the things kids have a difficult time with when learning to use computers is remembering their login password and how to use a keyboard. This is especially difficult for them when they are also learning the alphabet since they might not know how to quickly find letters or numbers on a keyboard.

It is harder for kids to learn how to type faster when they are not used to using a keyboard and not used to the letters and numbers that are positioned on it.

However I found this article that makes it easier for kids to remember their login password and teaches them how to use a keyboard.

Kids can learn how to login and use a keyboard by the corresponding colors that relates to a number or letter on the row it is in.

Some benefits of using this login color key:

  • Saves kids time when logging in
  • Teaches them how to use a keyboard
  • Gets rid of putting tape on keyboard
  • Uses color to make it more appealing to kids

I think this is a wonderful idea to make kids more comfortable with using technology and providing them an easier way to learn how to use a keyboard, remember the alphabet and learn how to login all at the same time!

Thank you for stopping by!

Can I use AI?

Although ChatGPT is not the first of its kind, it brought a lot of attention to AI. Specifically the education world had all of their eyes locked on it. AI has caused a lot of debates for all kinds of people in many fields. This article dives deeper into the issues and some benefits AI can bring up. Research was done also for this topic and article.

The issue

ChatGPT is very new. It was only released towards the end of 2022 and has only helped spawn other similar applications. It almost immediately brought concern to educators. The very first concern was that cheating was easily accessible to students.

  • The AI could write university-level essays
  • Pass “some” exams
  • The attempts from AI were “largely indistinguishable” from an actual student
This image shows the AI asking for as much information to give a well written essay.

Are students actually using AI?

This article conduced research on Australian academics and Australian university students.

  • 110 people in the study
    • 78 Students
    • 32 Academics
  • Almost half of the people have not even tried to use any generative AI
    • From this half, 85% planned on not using this type of technology at their university for this coming school year.
    • These students who are not using AI really do feel that it would be considered cheating if they were to use and rely on it for their classes.

Cheating is a major topic for students when discussing using AI technology. Academic honesty is a big discussion for professors on the first day of classes in university. If caught cheating it could lead to failing and potentially being kicked out of your school. Since ChatGPT and similar applications are still so fresh, the rules for using it really varies on the professor you have. Right now students feel it is better to not use it all together to avoid any issues with potential cheating.

The study done also had written responses submitted. Another worry that many students shared is the actual information provided from the AI. They are not sure how reliable the content is. Just because a computer application is telling you something, it is important to remember that it can be wrong also.

AI is a tool

New things are always scary. It is important to look at the cons, but recognizing the benefits is just as important. The other half of students and everyone a part of the study that do use AI, made great point in favor of ChatGPT.

  • Used to help brainstorm ideas
  • Almost like having a “partner”: the interactive nature of the programs are very useful
  • leads to more efficient with your time and energy
  • Manage stress levels for students

The future?

The divide about using AI for assessment is not clear cut. 46% agree in using it, 36% disagree, and 16% are unsure. This is expected as it is so new and still so much to be learned. Not even half of the top 500 universities in the world have a clear statement about the use of ChatGPT at their university.

This topic and debate will only get bigger as the years go on. Not only that, answers will get clearer about the use. It is all about working together and finding what works best for students and how to make sure they are learning. Just copying, pasting, and cheating will not do students any good. They will not learn what they need. Teachers and professors may also benefit from AI use.

Podcasts in the Classroom

As the use of podcasts has become more popular, integrating the listening of a podcast into a class lesson could be extremely beneficial. Some students share that by listening to the audio and following along with the words actually keeps them engages, reducing the amount of zoning out. Additionally, podcasts aid in learning language through listening comprehension, which is a key component to a child “decoding” a conversation.

Podcast Image

How Educators Should Integrate Technology Into Their Classrooms

This article gives educators ideas of how to integrate technology into their classrooms. Technology is constantly evolving, and it is important as educators to keep up with the rapid industry. Many of us have already seen technology taking over classrooms. For example, many teachers use online study games in their classrooms to help their students understand material. Some of these online learning tools include Kahoot and Quizlet, which may sound familiar.

After the pandemic, many teachers have used technology to make learning easier and more efficient. We can see this with certain applications such as GoogleClassroom, BlackBoard, PowerSchool, Canvas, etc. Some may say that technology can be detrimental to students’ learning, but I disagree. Implementing technology into your learning curriculum could be extremely beneficial to your students as they pick up new skills and learn to easily adapt to new changes (tech world is constantly changing and evolving).

Despite some of the hate that using technology in classrooms may get, it makes learning 10x more efficient. Teachers are able to better prepare for their lessons with tools such as PowerPoints, engaging games, videos to show their students, etc. Majority of students use technology in their free time (phones and laptops) so using these things to your advantage could help keep your students be better engaged and enhance their understanding of the material. The culture that older teachers grew up in is vastly different from the culture that students in today’s world are growing up in. It is important for teachers to keep up with the new cultures because it could help them better connect with their students, and teach them in ways that they would be more motivated to learn in. Like everything, using technology to teach has its downsides such as certain applications not working correctly, internet not connecting, students being more susceptible to cheating, but the advantages that technology provides are far greater than these disadvantages. Students today are gaining skills in their youth that most professionals did not gain until later on in their careers/education. Technology in classrooms is just getting started and is just going to continue, so it is best that teachers learn to use it to their advantage as well as come up with strategies to reduce the disadvantages (such as cheating).

Students using Kahoot as a learning tool.