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National Geographic Explorer Classroom Tool

I chose this tool because National Geographic has always been an interesting network for me to watch growing up. I instantly resonated with this tool because nature and the exploration of wildlife were something I enjoyed learning as a child. With this tool, I hope to teach the next generation of kids, such as the students who I will be teaching, about the fascinating discovery of nature around us and to have a fun and engaging experience while sitting in a classroom but still feeling as if they are diving into a new reality. The Explorer Classroom tool is a live YouTube show that unites young people from all around the world with Explorers to hear behind-the-scenes stories and interact in real time. All events are free and accessible to the public, and they include an event guide to help people get a fully interactive experience. There are several animals that are unique to specific regions and countries around the world that most people will never learn or see. This classroom is an effective and eye-opening experience that creates an environment in which students can learn about various details and open their eyes to the world around them, potentially inspiring them to do better for our world and environment in order to make it a better place for humans and an even safer and healthier place for wildlife. Every week, I would show my class a video of a certain film they are interested in watching, play it for them, and have them write a brief paper about what they learned and found exciting after watching the video.

National Geographic Explorer Classroom Tool: https://www.nationalgeographic.org/education/student-experiences/explorer-classroom/

The National Geographic site where I found this photo



The National Geographic Society. (n.d.). Explorer Classroom. National Geographic Society. Retrieved October 9, 2023, from https://www.nationalgeographic.org/education/student-experiences/explorer-classroom/

Childhood Education International Review

I chose Global Schools First – Childhood Education International because it is a resource for global education in grades k-8. I never really heard about this tool and decided that it would be good to learn about a new tool. This tool focuses on diversifying schools and implementing it into clubs, the learning curriculum, the school culture, etc.

One of their main focuses is sustainable learning. Sustainable learning “refers to educational practices that contribute to a continually evolving, healthy learning ecosystem in which knowledge is co-created and shared in a community.” This is especially important to me because my goal for my global goals project is quality education. Sustainable learning is one of the steps towards improving quality education because it works towards bettering education for everyone.

This video better explains sustainable learning and how this organization plans to improve it.

This tool also has a section in their website dedicated to courses. The main purpose of these courses is to help educators better their way of teaching and look at their students through a new light. Some of their free courses include “Webinars & Workshops Archive,” “Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Early Childhood,” “Integrating Social and Emotional Learning,” etc. There are a variety of courses that focus on very different topics, maximizing the number of skills that teachers can acquire. In addition, this is a global tool so there are courses in many different languages, improving quality education worldwide.

Exploring Diversity in Youth Narratives with the Center for the Study of Multicultural Children’s Literature

Today, we have experienced numerous global educator tools that represent innovation and connectivity. In an era where borders dissolve in the wake of digital advancements, educators find themselves equipped with diverse tools designed to foster a truly global learning experience. One tool in particular would be the Center for the Study of Multicultural Children’s Literature.

What Is the Center for the Study of Multicultural Children’s Literature?

The Center for the Study of Multicultural Children’s Literature (CSMCL) is a leading education research center in multicultural literature. It has a collection of recent and historically significant multicultural children’s artworks, books, and manuscripts. These resources provide a culturally diverse list of books for students in K to 8. Their mission is to keep the diversity of cultures alive in children’s and young adult books. With this, students, teachers, and faculty staff can experience reading different stories and perspectives throughout the different cultures in the world.

Why Is It Essential?

I picked this global educator tool because it is essential to everyone in and outside the classroom. Everyone must read as an avid reader because it can improve your mental health and focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills. In addition, it allows you to learn new things and can help you succeed in school, work, and your relationships with others. Reading culturally diverse books opens up new worlds and helps us understand people who might be different from us. It broadens our worldview and helps us appreciate the richness of human experiences. CSMCL is helpful because it provides information about why multicultural children’s books should be in a classroom and why it is essential to engage with different cultures. I love that CSMCL wants to start sponsoring activities for libraries and other committee services worldwide so children and young adults can experience what it is like to learn about others and their upbringing. In addition, every year, this educational research center uploads a “best book” list for the year, which is worth checking out!

How Would I Use It In My Classroom?

Using multicultural books in a classroom can be a powerful and enriching experience. Some ways that I would use it in my classroom include the following:

  • Have discussion circles
  •  Build a diverse classroom library
  •  Assign creative projects

These three practical ways to incorporate multicultural books in my classroom let students connect with each other and discuss their thoughts about what they are reading. It would be fascinating for students to create a project or presentation about their culture and family traditions and share it with their peers. A project incorporating this information will allow everyone to represent their origin and encourage students to express their understanding of cultural themes.

Make sure to follow my Twitter (X): @taliana_ayala

National Geographic Explorer Classroom

National Geographics Explorer classroom is a tool that allows students to interact with professionals such as “cutting-edge scientists, researchers, and powerful storytellers” all over the world allowing students to connect with Explorers in real-time while making ground-breaking discoveries and what goes on behind the scenes.

Explorers classrooms provide a unique learning experience, providing custom guides for each classroom completely full of fun activities and resources for the students in the classroom or even in their own households.

The useful online tool even allows students the chance to be featured in the live stream with the Explorer allowing the classroom or household to provide any questions for the explorer to answer.

As someone who is striving to become a history teacher, this feature seems like an amazing, fun, and interesting way to engage the classroom. It would be fantastic to allow my classroom the chance to interact and explore parts of history right in the classroom.

For example, students can interact with underwater Archeologist Tara Roberts who is searching for sunken slave ships.

Or Carter Clinton who is using the latest technology to better understand the lives of African Americans during the slave trade through DNA, bacteria, and soil sampling from freed and enslaved people who were buried in Manhattan New York African burial ground.

The idea of allowing my students to see discoveries unfold in real-time is something that I can not pass up.

National Geographic Explorers Classroom – https://www.nationalgeographic.org/education/student-experiences/explorer-classroom/

CIEE: Unlocking the Classroom Across the Globe


What is CIEE?

The Council on International Educational Exchange, or CIEE, is a nonprofit organization that focuses on global exchange and education initiatives around the world. Since its establishment in the United States in 1947, CIEE has grown to become one of the biggest and most established international education organizations in existence.

Through this organization, students are able to not only visit other countries but experience different aspects of life that create learning opportunities in culture, language, and more. In learning directly hands on from those who live their day to day lives within a specific culture, CIEE ensures that the learner receives an immersive hands-on learning experience.

Why Did I Select CIEE?

I chose CIEE because of the opportunity it offers students around the globe. It fosters an environment internationally for students to connect with one another, with distinct cultures, learn languages, establish connections and broaden their horizons of the world they live in. The opportunity to study abroad is a privilege that students and educators alike should take advantage of more frequently. Organizations like CIEE create an open classroom where the material is readily available in daily lives of others around the globe. Interactive learning can make the difference between whether learners are able to walk away with something from the experience or not, and offering a hands-on experience is often times the best way to learn. Especially in subject matters such as languages, practice is the most effective tool to ensuring a good grasp on the language. Traveling to another country where one might need to use the language being learned is a phenomenal way to practice. CIEE offers these opportunities through their exchange programs, study abroad programs and more.

How Will I Use CIEE?

As a future Spanish language educator, it has become crucial to me already the importance of practice, but even more so the opportunity to practice. As a teacher, being able to inform my students about the opportunities that are available to them through organizations such as CIEE will provide to them a great resource. Often times traveling to a foreign country is intimidating and difficult to organize, but by organizing educational trips to Spanish-speaking nations through organizations like CIEE it becomes less and less of something to worry about, and more and more of a great chance for students to expand their knowledge and increase their practice in the language.

Discovering the Power of Education: A Deep Dive into Discovery Education

A brighten path to gain knowledge about the world.

Discovery Education Shooting

Education has always been a cornerstone of human progress, and in the 21st century, it is evolving at an unprecedented pace. One of the pioneers in the field of education technology is Discovery Education, a global leader that has transformed how students learn and teachers teach. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Discovery Education and its significant impact on modern education.

The Birth of Discovery Education

Discovery Education, part of Discovery, Inc., was founded with a simple yet revolutionary mission: to ignite students’ natural curiosity and inspire them to explore the world around them. It all began in the early 2000s when Discovery Communications leveraged its vast media resources, including the Discovery Channel, to create digital content for the classroom. This initiative marked the birth of Discovery Education.

A Wealth of Digital Resources

At the heart of Discovery Education’s success lies its extensive library of digital resources. These resources cover a wide range of subjects, including science, math, social studies, and more. Whether through videos, interactive simulations, virtual field trips, or engaging assessments, Discovery Education provides educators with a treasure trove of tools to captivate students’ minds and make learning come alive.

Making Documentary on Astronomy

In addition to resources for students, Discovery Education offers robust professional development opportunities for educators. Teachers can access a wealth of training materials, webinars, and workshops that help them harness the full potential of the platform. By empowering educators, Discovery Education indirectly benefits millions of students worldwide.

(Grammar checked by GPT4 & Grammarly)

National Geographic

Global Educator toolbox

National Geographic Kids K-12

Why did I choose this?

I chose this because when i was younger I loved to watched National Geographic and how it intertwined with my current life. In my future career of business this is a great tool to use to educate all about the world and different kinds of things. If I was ever to teach business to students I would use this tool to benefit all.

What I found?

I found that National Geographic can help kids of all age get educated on different animals and parts of the world. There is also a certain program where people who currently work for them will come in and talk with students, answer any questions and educate them. This is amazing because it offers kids the opportunity to “look up” to someone and look towards something.

How I would use this

I would use this in the business world if I owned a travel businesses to find destinations to take people across the world to see different animals to educate them in advance. I think that this would be a good website to get a lot of information off of.


Paul Mancini

National Geographic K-12

Global Educator Toolbox

A picture of what is usually featured in this tool- the nature worldwide and how to protect them. This is useful when teachers try to teach students about the different environments.


I chose this because, in my education, I always referred to this tool. I always believed it was beautiful how National Geographic’s photographers and those working for them do so much to educate the world. I thought it would be a brilliant idea to continue with my college degree and hopefully my teaching progress.


I found that National Geographic helps to promote science, discovery, and geography in a classroom. It would be beneficial as a teacher if I could incorporate hands-on activities after or before watching an episode or reading a magazine. There are many things for kids that N.G promotes, such as all kid’s magazines, specific puzzles and computer games for children to play, and stories.


Before a lesson about history, animals, science, or discovery, I would find an episode or a part of a story, a game, or a magazine from National Geographic that fits into my lesson. Hence, it offers children multiple different sources. This could give students numerous references to refer to. All of the many other things that this tool covers would be perfect in any classroom!


Gianna Taylor

Global Collaboration for Young Learners

Young students observing a globe.

Importance of Collaboration

Collaboration is a huge factor in young student’s social and academic growth. Learning from a young age how to collaborate gives students a chance to learn from others, and share their own ideas with others. Students gain a lot of confidence in their social skills from working with groups in school. I chose this tool to research because I believe it is a huge part in student growth!

Global Collaboration

Empatico offers a program for students to collaborate with other students from all around the world. Young students who are introduced to this program can learn so much about other countries and how they learn and what they’re going through. It can teach students about empathy through these digital exchanges. More than 23,000 educators in 131 countries have used this platform for over 2,000,000 students all over the world. It is a great program to get introduced to different schooling and different cultures.

It is a very easy way to communicate with students and educators from different countries which I find so interesting. It is not common to be able to do these things in school so it’s very exciting to learn more about this program. I would love to utilize this program in my own class, and teach students the importance of being able to empathize and to learn about other countries and cultures. I would allow my students to do it once or twice a week so they can keep in touch with their penpal, and hopefully build a friendship with them. I would listen to my students opinions on the program, whether or not they liked it. If it is something they really enjoy, I would pass the word on to more teachers so they can give their students a fun learning experience as well.


This program was made to teach students how to show that they care for others, and learn about self-awareness. Being able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, or understand someone else’s feelings can be a huge factor in socially and emotionally growing up. Behavior also plays a huge role in this program because what students do for others makes a huge impact. This program can help those students learn these skills.

Screenshot from the website.

What Does Empatico Offer?

Empatico offers many different tools. Here is a list of what they offer:

  • Empathy centered activities
  • Being able to explore the world and make connections
  • Messaging and scheduling
  • Live exchanges

All of these tools can help students not only gain emotional and social skills, but they also will learn about many different countries and cultures, as well as learning how to message others and schedule live meetings.

Thanks for reading!

Out of Eden Learning Tool

When looking for a learning tool, I first had to decide which grade band I would be most interested in. I chose to look in the “Resources for Global Education for 9-12” because I believe that age group allows for more discussions and more thought out ideas about topics. While scrolling through the list of tools, I ended up choosing “Out of Eden Learning.”

This image shows the logo for Out of Eden Learning.

I chose this because of the description that I read. It really caught my attention. It first mentions that it is “an initiative of Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.” Personally, and I would imagine many others, when I see anything related to Harvard I instantly assume that it must be a great resource. That is just down to the reputation that Harvard University has.

It also explained that it is completely free to use and it is an online program. As we have seen over the past decade, technology has been used more and more in classrooms all over the country and world. This trend will only continue, which is a great thing. We must work along with it. Younger students are also having more access to devices at home and in school. Many of them may even prefer it. Out of Eden is a “custom built, social media platform,” which only adds to why it is best for students around this age range. Social media is heavily targeted at this group of individuals, so they may feel more comfortable using this tool and website in the classroom.

The description also included a little bit about the tool’s credentials. Out of Eden has “so far served over 30,000 students in 60 countries.” That is just amazing. It must be something great for that many students to have used it, but not only that, it is used all over the world. That is what stood out most to me from that statement. The internet is a space that is meant to allow people all over the planet to work together and most importantly, learn from each other.

Actually getting to the website, it has a very friendly interface, and it is easy on the eyes. It does not feel clunky and the images on the homepage move smoothly. It does not jump from picture to picture, it fades into the next one. That is so important when using an online program. I do not want to use a program that is tough to navigate, feels slow loading, or ugly. Everything that I mentioned from the description and the look and feel of the website really made me choose Out of Eden Learning.

This screenshot is taken right from the homepage when you go to the website.

As stated before, Out of Eden is an initiative of Project Zero. In their about section of their website, Project Zero claims their mission is to understand and nurture human potentials like learning, thinking, and creativity. In the “About Us” of Out of Eden, they list three learning goals from their program.

This image, taken from the “About Us” section, lists those 3 goals.

I believe this would be useful for students to really understand different cultures around the world and to have them pay closer attention to the world around them.

Towards the top of the website, there are different tabs for different areas. The two most useful to me and a future classroom are the “Curriculum” and “Activities for All” tabs.

When looking through the curriculums, the “Introduction to Planetary Health” is the one that I would include in my classroom. The topic about planetary health always stands out to me. Their 4 steps for the project look like something students could really have fun doing.

This image lays out the curriculum.

This really gives students a chance to just simply go out and look at their surroundings. They may find something that can affect the health of themselves and others in their area. In doing the other steps, they will do their own research and investigation about an issue of their choosing and try to make a difference. It is all about making small changes that could lead to something bigger.

The “Activities for All” sections gives a list of activities for the curriculums you could choose from, which is a great thing for educators. From their list, I do not see one that would fit in with the curriculum that I chose, but that is not an issue. The steps, pictured above, would give the students more than enough to do.

The last things that is useful, and definitely a necessity, is the login/register for both educators and students. This will help organize the different activities of students in my classroom. Out of Eden also recommends getting in contact with other classrooms, so both classes can meet each other and feel more involved. Collaboration is always a great thing. Out of Eden really sets you up with all the tools you need.