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“We Embrace Anti-Racism”

I chose to read this in the article because this is so important, especially as an educator for young children who are trying to figure out who they are. Using anti-racism tactics in the classroom and promoting inclusivity the students should want to care about breaking the cycle of racism.

Being connected into a global community of educators, teachers can compare an contrast ideas on how to make the classroom feel welcoming for everyone and how students can take this feeling outside of the classroom and into real life experiences.

As mentioned in the article, the first three steps an educator needs to take in order for their students to want to be apart of the anti-racism movement:

By studying these steps and making the educator, educated, the classroom will be a positive, including experience for all.

Thank you Paul Mancini

Accessibility Tool- JAWS

“JAWS, Job Access With Speech, is the world’s most popular screen reader, developed for computer users whose vision loss prevents them from seeing screen content or navigating with a mouse. JAWS provides speech and Braille output for the most popular computer applications on your PC. You will be able to navigate the Internet, write a document, read an email and create presentations from your office, remote desktop, or from home.” -Freedom Science Team

Providing accommodations for students whose vision loss prevents them from being able to interact fully, allows them to still learn and get involved. There are multiple different things you can do with JAWS that allows the student to participate.

Some of the tips that are mentioned are:
  • speech and sound
  • braille
  • convenient ORC
  • text analyzer

This is such a great way to keep students involved in the schools, no matter the disability there is always an accommodation thanks to modern technology!


Paul Mancini

Hyperdocs- What are they?

An interactive digital space that helps the classroom by supplying different resources.

A hyperdoc can take the form of multiple different websites and interactive links. Some of the most popular are, Google Maps, Good Docs, Edpuzzle. Most students use these three hyperdocs everyday! By using interactive sites, students are more likely to want to be involved in the classroom.

“View from behind classmates seated at child-size desks of smiling mid 40s female instructor supporting student with encouraging gesture.”

Hyperdocs opens up the door for creativity, uniqueness in a student and allows for the teacher to get everyone engaged!

Please refer to this video for further information on Hyperdocs and their effects.

I will definitely use this in my future classroom!

Paul Mancini

Louvre – Paris, France

Virtual Field Trip


The Louvre is located in one of the most romantic cities in the world, Paris, France. This natural art museum has one of the richest arm museums in the world. One of the more famous paintings being the Mona Lisa is kept here. It is an absolute must visit for visitors of Paris. A beautiful building with fantastic and history art pieces which have been around for centuries.


Using Microsoft Forms to Communicate

Using Forms teachers are able to get feedback on assignments, ask students different private questions, assign quizzes and tests and so much more!

View real-time results as they are submitted on practically any web browser or mobile device, assess responses using built-in analytics, and export data to Excel for further examination or grading.


Allowing students the opportunity to submit answers in a private setting (on their mobile devices) is helpful to children that still struggle with raising their hand, talking to the whole class or any other issues they might come across.


Although Microsoft Forms are used an extreme amount today, I predict that more and more classrooms and teachers will make these forms a part of the environment. During COVID-19 so many people had to use Microsoft Forms or Google forms in order to answer assignments.

Thank you!


National Geographic

Global Educator toolbox

National Geographic Kids K-12

Why did I choose this?

I chose this because when i was younger I loved to watched National Geographic and how it intertwined with my current life. In my future career of business this is a great tool to use to educate all about the world and different kinds of things. If I was ever to teach business to students I would use this tool to benefit all.

What I found?

I found that National Geographic can help kids of all age get educated on different animals and parts of the world. There is also a certain program where people who currently work for them will come in and talk with students, answer any questions and educate them. This is amazing because it offers kids the opportunity to “look up” to someone and look towards something.

How I would use this

I would use this in the business world if I owned a travel businesses to find destinations to take people across the world to see different animals to educate them in advance. I think that this would be a good website to get a lot of information off of.


Paul Mancini

Collaborative Learning

A generic term for a variety of educational strategies for peer learning, not specific to one-on-one education.

Students and teacher giving each other praise.


  • Give students the opportunity to connect with others.
  • Peers can help each other.
  • Can create friendships in and out of the classroom.
  • Learn from different view points.

Children in Africa collaborating effectively.


  • Conflicts can arise.
  • Distractions can occur
  • Some student prefer to work alone.
“Working in Groups”

Although all students have different paths, they all ultimately would like to understand the lesson, learn from it and apply it in the next class session. With the help of their peers, they could be able too have things explained to them again or exercised a different way. Collaborative learning around the world is beneficial to all students in their own unique ways.

Thank you!

Paul Mancini

Building Blocks Relationship with Educational Technology

In this article, The Nature and Building Blocks of Educational Technology Research, a focus on researching the ways in which technology may support and improve educational processes is discussed. Using a wide range of topics and approaches a relationship is found to be made between how educational technology can connect into this physical activity.

Interdisciplinary Nature

When using building blocks for academic purposes such as counting, hand-eye coordination, and more it is a powerful tool for students to get a basic understanding of their educational journey. The patience and disciple that a child faces when using the blocks fuels the research that can be examined closely. This enhances both the learning and teaching processes.

Youtube video explaining some of the educational benefits of allowing children to play with building blocks.

Research Methods

Controlled Studies Controlled studies are carried out by researchers to determine how certain technologies affect learning outcomes. Pre- and post-testing are common in these research, and randomized control groups may be used.
Subjective Research To learn more about how educators, students, and other stakeholders view technology integration, qualitative approaches including interviews, questionnaires, and observations are employed.
Methodology Research To fully comprehend the study objectives, many studies on educational technology mix quantitative and qualitative methods.
Iterative Design This strategy emphasizes the iterative design and evaluation of educational innovations in real-world learning settings.

A broad area called educational technology research examines how technology might improve teaching and learning. It uses a range of research techniques to look into its objectives and goals. Its building components include technological tools, instructional tactics, learning theories, evaluation methodologies, and ethical issues. The future of education in the digital age is greatly influenced by this field.


Thanks everyone! Follow me on X @Paulmsu23