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National Geographic VR in the Classroom

Virtual reality is still something new and always growing. I would say the main use for it right now, is for gaming. There are many gaming VR headsets being made, and games always being made. It definitely gets better as the years go on.

This is an image of an Oculus VR headset

I own an Oculus headset and just use it to play games with my friends. The technology is great, and you really feel you are in the setting. The graphics are usually never anywhere near realistic, but that is not what it is about right now. The better graphics will come in time. It is all about how it makes you feel.

In one game, my friend and I were on this hot air balloon. It took us up to the sky, and we would look around us for the view. It did make me feel a little dizzy and made me feel like I would actually fall to the ground in my room. It was so weird to think about. My body and mind felt like I was in the air, but in reality I was standing in the middle of my own room.

After doing some research, I came across an app for the Oculus called “National Geographic Explore VR.”

This is the trailer for the app with some footage

It is all about virtually visiting different landmarks, countries, and environments. I think this is such a great way to put this technology to use.

Not only that, it would be perfect for the classroom setting. Students would have a great time using the headset and app. It would really engage them to pay attention and to apply themselves into the lesson.

This app would always play a big part in contributing to global collaboration.

Throughout the course, we have seen so many examples of global collaborating by video chat between classrooms. These classrooms are usually from different parts of the world.

I can see two classrooms from opposite sides of the world learning from each other. They could speak about so many different things, like:

  • Their cultures
  • Differences in their everyday lives
  • Political views
  • Education system

There is an endless amount to talk about.

Students could use the app to visit the classroom’s country and explore for themselves. The classroom could recommend areas to look out, or specific landmarks that are significant to the country.

This would aid students in fully understanding their fellow classmates from other parts of the planet. The students would have a real grasp of everything discussed and hopefully retain the information. They should also have plenty of fun in doing so and immersing themselves in a whole other location.

Using an Oculus for global collaboration does not just have to be with this specific app. I am sure there are similar apps that may have better features in certain aspects. More will be made as the technology continues to develop. There is no doubt that this should have a part in education for the success of students all around the world.

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