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Accessibility Tools: Which do I use the most?

What are accessibility tools?

Accessibility tools are unique devices that make it easier for persons with impairments to navigate physical spaces and access digital resources like websites and apps. For people who might have difficulty seeing, hearing, moving, or doing things like most people, they make technology easier to utilize. These tools, which enable anybody to use technology and information regardless of ability, computer programs, hardware, or features.

Which Tools are in my toolbox?

  1. Speechify: Text-to-speech is a very useful technology that makes information that is often in written form audible, such as text on a screen. It can be used for various purposes and becomes convenient in all different types of circumstances. Using the text to speech allows for multitasking and live note-taking. Being able to have the option to listen to an article, PDF file, or notes/presentations facilitates the process for those that may be visually impaired, have trouble reading, or other impediments.

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