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Reading Comprehension Hyperdoc

I browsed through different hyperdocs on X, and I found one made by an educator. She made five different hyperdocs, but I chose the one made to help reading comprehension. This hyperdoc provided reading comprehension strategies for teachers to give to their students. It has different steps that students can use to optimize their understanding of readings.

This is a very basic but informative hyperdoc. My past teachers have not used this hyperdoc exactly, but they used very similar ones to help my class and I with our understandings of readings. I remember having to follow each and every one of these steps and can affirm that if followed correctly, this helps with students’ reading comprehension. This makes sense because these steps force you to sit there and deeply think about the material instead of reading something and moving on without any thought. It properly separates and describes each step which may be helpful to other educators who cannot easily verbalize the steps for their students. I sometimes struggle with describing things step-by-step for other people so I know that I would definitely use this in my classroom as it is very easy to follow. The creator of this hyperdoc has four other ones for visualizing, inferring, predicting, and for monitoring comprehension. All five hyperdocs go together to really make students think about the information given to them and strengthening their critical thinking skills.

Reading comprehension may be more difficult to deal with because most of the work is up to the students. Resources and hyperdocs such as this one make it easier for educators to relay the skills onto their students, bettering education for the future. Bettering education is one step closer to bettering other world issues because change starts with our younger generations in the classroom. They are our future, and it is up to us to provide them with all skills necessary to succeed.

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