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As time goes by, technology continues to become more and more advanced, providing endless opportunities in all different areas. Specifically in the classroom, technology allows for not only new ways of teaching, but new ways of learning as well. Zeroing in on hyperdocs, this strategy can be recognized as an interactive lesson that ultimately serves as a supplement for the standard lecture, notes packet, or paper after paper. I researched a couple examples of hyperdocs, one that stood to me was an interactive lesson on the American Revolution created by Lisa Guardino and Karly Moura. The goal of this hyperdoc is to teach the students about the major events, vocabulary, and timeline of the American Revolution. Throughout the slideshow, there are several tasks that the students must complete, for example studying vocabulary flashcard to reveal the “code to a lock lost during battle.” As the students move forward in this lesson, they are required to watch videos and reflect, ask questions from the perspective of different parties, and it even ends with a final project in which they must retell the story of one of the major events during the American Revolution. This is definitely a tactic I would use in my own classroom, I believe it is an extremely effective way in relaying the lesson to the students in great detail, yet ensuring that it is understood and comprehended. The combination of providing the important information, then allowing the students to complete a mini-activity guarantees that they are applying what they just learned to a task.

The American Revolution Hyperdoc

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