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Visiting the 9/11 Tribute Museum Virtually

The introduction photo for the 9/11 tribute. The image displays the Twin Towers.

September 11, 2001, was a day that impacted millions of individuals in America. This was the day that thousands of innocent lives were lost and injured. Many families suffered from this terrorist attack and lost their loved ones. Although I was born after this event occurred, I was taught about the importance of it every year in school. Learning about this heart-wrenching attack on thousands of innocent people is something so difficult to learn about, but it is necessary.

This Virtual Museum provides all of the information about 9/11 for educational purposes. This virtual museum also includes lesson plans for educators to use to incorporate this topic into their lessons. There are many creative projects that are dedicated to this event. Some of them are a Survivor Tree, Poetry, and Newspaper Headline Poetry. The Virtual Museum also provides video links to learn more. There are links leading to “Understanding Personal Stories,” “Placing 9/11 In A Global Context,” and “Exploring 9/11 in Creative Arts.”

A very important part of this Virtual Museum was the acknowledgment of the innocent lives lost and families affected. There are many stories linked on this website. Another important point was about Jennifer Suri, an Assistant Principal who is a Muslim emphasizing the fact that the terrorist attacks do not relate to Islam.

Learning about September 11, 2001, can be very tough and upsetting but they teach the importance of the event and the awareness of it. Millions of people have been impacted by this event and it is something everyone should learn about and empathize with.

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