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Using Minecraft to Communicate

Minecraft is a game released in 2011 that involves you controlling a character and exploring a blocky world using different tools and items to create things with blocks.

It is one of the most popular games of all time and challenges people to be creative and build things with what they are given.

After reading chapter 2 of “Sail the 7 Cs with Microsoft Education,” I realized how this game allows people to improve their communication skills.

The game supports creativity and teamwork, as multiple players can play together and navigate throughout the game while communicating with each other. In the book, Monika Limmer who is an educator from New Zealand, talks about how she used Minecraft to help out her nonverbal students by using this game.

She explains how the reserved students started sharing ideas, techniques, and projects with each other in the game. They helped each other with tips and boosted their self-esteem.

One reason for this would be the in-game chat feature that Minecraft has. This feature allows people to communicate with each other, so non-verbal students who would otherwise not talk had a chance to speak with other people in the chat and communicate with them.

From the book “Sail the 7Cs with Microsoft Education”

In this picture, you can see people communicating with each other and working on building and completing goals.

Minecraft is a great way for students to collaborate with each other on projects and communicate with other people to help each other build and complete projects. This game fosters creativity and collaboration and will be a very effective way for students to work together on projects and improve their communication skills.

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