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National Geographic

Global Educator toolbox

National Geographic Kids K-12

Why did I choose this?

I chose this because when i was younger I loved to watched National Geographic and how it intertwined with my current life. In my future career of business this is a great tool to use to educate all about the world and different kinds of things. If I was ever to teach business to students I would use this tool to benefit all.

What I found?

I found that National Geographic can help kids of all age get educated on different animals and parts of the world. There is also a certain program where people who currently work for them will come in and talk with students, answer any questions and educate them. This is amazing because it offers kids the opportunity to “look up” to someone and look towards something.

How I would use this

I would use this in the business world if I owned a travel businesses to find destinations to take people across the world to see different animals to educate them in advance. I think that this would be a good website to get a lot of information off of.


Paul Mancini

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