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Collaboration is an essential aspect of education and is necessary for both educators and students to know how to collaborate as well as the tools available to help with collaboration. Tools such as Microsoft Teams and Flipgrid are just some of the tools that are used today to encourage collaboration.

Microsoft Teams is an amazing tool for educators and students as it is made to easily share files with your team allowing users to work on them together as well as share each other’s knowledge also allows team members to view, collaborate, and edit all in Microsoft Teams.

With Microsoft Teams you can stay in touch and collaborate with anyone from anywhere. You can schedule live events and meetings as well as contact a teammate you can also chat with teammates as well and also provide feedback to each other.

Flipgrid is a phenomenal way to promote collaboration within the classroom anywhere on any device to socially engage students and promote collaboration online with its endless content and is perfect for educators and engaging for students.

Finding the right tools for collaboration is crucial and these are just two phenomenal choices. It is important to be able to navigate tools such as these to encourage collaborations.

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