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Collaborative Learning & The Use of Educational Technology

Whether it be in the classroom, at home, or in a community, collaboration proves to be a beneficial tool that allows those who use it to excel forward. Being able to have various individuals contribute to an idea, project, or creation, is the best way to ensure the best possible product. In today’s classrooms exist the privilege of technology that did not exist a couple of decades ago. At the fingertips of students and educators alike, is a multifunctional tool box of education technology. Technology that not only allows students to work with one another, but to take advantage of the benefits that come with blended learning between technology and education. 

Why Have Students Work Together?

The strength in having a collaborative effort when working towards a common goal lies in the diverse perspectives and ideas that may stem from having various mindsets working together. As Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences suggests, there are a variety of distinct forms of intelligence that span across a spectrum. Understanding this idea will enable educators to visualize the different attributes of the intelligence spectrum students will bring to the classroom. Gardner’s Theory implies that everyone is a mix of these intelligences, however there are still those who tend to be more dominant than others in certain areas. In having students collaborate, the guarantee of having a well executed and well-balanced learning experience, as well as project or assignment, becomes more likely. 

How does Technology help students?

Having the proper versions of technology for educators to use in the classroom is essential to ensure the most effective benefit on learning. With many apps and programs being developed for personal use, it can pose a challenge to educators to find ways to incorporate technology into the classroom seamlessly. Despite the integration of technology not being seamless, as time goes on, more and more corporations are offering their services to educators as tools for their students. Examples of this include Google Classroom, Minecraft Education Edition, Office 365, and even programs such as Discord. All of these can be found across the world in classrooms where educators have found a way to incorporate them into their lesson plans and assignments. 

If not for the use of technology such as Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet, schooling for many around the globe would not have been feasible during the Covid-19 Pandemic. It was because of the integration of these platforms that students were able to find a way to communicate with each other and connect despite the entire world being shut down. Technology allows students to work with each other regardless of having to be physically present in the classroom. Students can be in two different places but still manage to contribute the same amount of work to the project. With tools such as Microsoft Teams, at the disposal of students and educators, things such as updates, assignments, reminders, and virtual meetings can all be taken advantage of to improve the quality of work. Teams allow students to all access the same page online in real time, rather than having to all separately from their contributions and combine them later.

Education Technology is Here to Stay.

In today’s world, as things rapidly change on a day to day basis, providing stability for students via collaborative learning spaces is essential. Assigning group projects to students becomes more of an accessible resource to educators, knowing that students are able to collaborate outside the classroom. Sharing resources with students and asking them to help each other understand the concepts that they struggle with is a newly found opportunity for educators. It enables for students to create their own environment working online, and which tools they see best fit for the task at hand. In allowing students to collaborate using Educational Technology, they are learning to use the tools of the near future.

  • “5 Benefits of Collaborative Learning Strategies & How to Get Started | National Society of High School Scholars.” NSHSS, 3 December 2020, https://www.nshss.org/blog/5-benefits-of-collaborative-learning-strategies-how-to-get-started/. Accessed 25 September 2023.
  • “Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences | Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning.” Northern Illinois University, https://www.niu.edu/citl/resources/guides/instructional-guide/gardners-theory-of-multiple-intelligences.shtml. Accessed 25 September 2023.

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