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Collaboration about Classroom Management

Collaboration is about building a community in the classroom between the students and the teacher. According to the Edutopia article, “And while there’s no replacement for spending time in the classroom, an awareness of the right strategies, and the right mindsets, can put new teachers on the fast track to adopting tactics that work but might feel counterintuitive or risky” (Terada, 2021). This article contains insightful observations about the classroom, as well as a constant back-and-forth between the teacher and students. When teaching a fresh group of learners, classroom management is an essential skill to acquire. Keeping kids engaged is a challenge that requires a delicate balance. Being adaptive means working together on new ideas and tactics to make the learning environment beneficial to both sides. Students can collaborate on projects, share links to finish presentations or reports, and even have a designated area for questions about assignments in this learning environment. Teachers enjoy dividing students into small groups for project work.

Terada, Y. (2021, August 13). How Novice and Expert Teachers Approach Classroom Management Differently. Edutopia. Retrieved September 25, 2023, from https://www.edutopia.org/article/how-novice-and-expert-teachers-approach-classroom-management-differently/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=BTS23&utm_id=BTS23&utm_term=back+to+school&utm_content=novice+vs+expert

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