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Ways to Support Students Who May Come from Trauma

When teaching students, educators have to be aware that students come from different backgrounds and may have many stressful events going on in their lives, therefore, it is important to support these students as best as you can so they are able to receive an education. The article “5 Things Every Teacher Needs To Know to Create a Trauma-Informed Classroom,” goes into detail about how to best suit students that may be experiencing some form of neglect, abuse, and/or violence. Classrooms should be a safe space for students, they should feel welcomed, and feel like they can trust the teacher.

The first thing to do in order to support students is to understand where they may be coming from. Many students that act out may come from troubled homes and it is important to keep an open mind to that idea so you can best support them and provide them with the best education. When students experience some sort of trauma their nervous system is filled with stress hormones, and because of this learning can be hard for those students. In order for students to learn and perform their best they need to feel a sense of trust so they are not filled with stress while at school.

Providing support for students can look many different ways. One example explained in the article was a teacher in Alabama who would make their classroom cozy and welcoming for students by having blankets, stuffed animals, and a fridge with different snacks for the students.

An example of a cozy classroom provides comfort to students

Another teacher, from Missouri, explains how she lets her students decorate their classroom. In doing so it makes sure the students are comfortable in the environment they are in and creates a sense of trust knowing their teacher has given them the privilege and opportunity to create the classroom how they want it. It also allows the students to have a sense of control and a sense of themselves. The students have the ability to be themselves in the classroom, which is not always allowed in their home life.

For my classroom, in the future, I will use these different tools to create an environment where my students will feel welcomed, safe, and feel like they can trust me. I specifically love the idea of having a fridge with snacks since students cannot focus on learning if they are going hungry. When I was in high school I had a teacher who had snacks and a coffee maker in her room for students to use, this teacher was also one that all students trusted and felt safe to talk to, this shows how even the little things can make a large impact on the students. My classroom will also be lively with lots of colors and diversity to create a more welcoming appearance, as well as comfortable areas for students to be able to relax. Although these may seem like little things to add to my classroom I believe it will create a trusting and supportive environment. With trust, I can learn more about my students and what their needs may be to continue to provide for them and to create their learning experience the best it can be.

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