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A.I. Intergration

In an article I found about Artificial Intelligence, there is a discussion about how A.I. can be used to help the students and make the learning environment of all schools more accessible. Making it easier to communicate with students that are multilingual learners or students with disabilities. A.I. can be used to help students learn at different rates instead of going at a rate comfortable to the majority, with might be to fast or to slow for some learners. A.I. also has the ability to adapt to a student’s answers, instead of marking an answer to a question incorrect of correct, A.I. is able to adapt to a student’s learning process, these adaptations may allow the student to become stronger in the classroom by working with their strengths and finding ways to overcome weaknesses. To go along with not just marking a question right or wrong, A.I. can give feedback frequently in order to improve the teaching and learning experience.

The article also goes over the fact that teachers are not being replaced. It reminds us that we teachers are the ones applying A.I. to lessons and that when applied A.I. is going to be based on established, modern learning principles, use the wisdom of educators, and should use the expertise of educational assessment to improve fairness and detect bias.

I think the article points to two major problems that need to be overcome. The A.I. system producing inappropriate or wrong ideas that could amplify unwanted biases; and, strengthening the trust that educators have in A.I. and its ability to be used as a teaching tool. These two problems can be solved with time (teachers using A.I. and seeing how its functions can be applied and research and development of A.I. from the manufacture) and specific guideline set into place, dictating how A.I. can be used safely and appropriately in the classroom.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

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