Home » Uncategorized » UnidosUS’ Padres Comprometidos Program Helps Latino Parents Improve Digital Literacy Skills

UnidosUS’ Padres Comprometidos Program Helps Latino Parents Improve Digital Literacy Skills

The Office of Ed Tech Twitter account posted this article, detailing UnidosUs’ new program, Padres Comprometidos. UnidosUS is the largest nonprofit Latino civil rights advocacy organization in the U.S. The goal of this program is to help narrow the digital divide that is often an obstacle blocking Latino parents’ ability to advocate for their childrens’ education.

Technology is integrated into the education system more and more every day as shown in this image

Many parents in hispanic communities lack the necessary technology to communicate with the school system and stay engaged, or otherwise, do not understand how they can take advantage of the technology they have access to. The Padres Comprometidos Ed Tech Program offers resources to parents and guardians to teach them how to use common digital platforms and learning management systems used by schools. The program works with schools, districts, and PTAs to empower parents with digital skills so that they can build strong a strong relationship with the school and be fully invested in their children’s educational success.

With the increased use of digital tools in education, it is imperative that parents are equipped with the skills and knowledge to best support their children’s learning. Underserved communities with large Latino populations may suffer as schools integrate technology further. Programs such as these help to alleviate that issue and make a positive impact on the educational outcomes of children who grow up in these underserved communities.

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