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WE Virtual Learning Center

Taking a look at WE Virtual Learning Center was a great experience to gauge the amount of resources there are available to educators. As teachers, learning is a never ending job and with the learning center that becomes a lot easier. I was able to navigate the website and come across a variety of different forms of resources, all that an educator could use to either further their knowledge on said subject, or as an introduction to a new topic they might want to present to their class in the near future.


As soon as I began exploring, I was able to come across the home page “Featured Resources”, which I then took the time to look through and found one on Anti-Racism. I thought it was truly incredible to see such resources available to educators in order to ensure that there is always a safe and equal environment within the classroom setting for all students. I took a look at it and was excited to see the variety of different activities and resources available within. It was all easy to follow and understand, as well as engaging. It was definitely something that I would like to implement into my very own classroom.


After doing some more exploring, I landed on the Workshop page and was pleasantly surprised with the plethora of workshops there are offered, and the fact that they are virtual makes it incredibly convenient. I was not expecting there to be as many resources as there is, but am beyond glad that there is. Using the workshops and other forms of information on the WE Virtual Learning Center is a tremendous way to improve as an educator and ensure the students are receiving a quality education via an informed instructor. Taking a look at this resource gave me the excitement to one day be able to implement things such as this into my classroom and have a list of materials that I can rely on to ensure I am doing the best job I can.

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