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Exciting Opportunities for Future Lessons

After visiting the WE Virtual Learning Center, I have read about a variety of new, fun, and different approaches and topics to cover in the classroom. I stumbled upon the “Say it Now” campaign, which provides an informational, lesson plan powerpoint. There are three powerpoints linked, each designed specifically for either K-3, middle school, as well as a high school. The K-3 link quickly had my attention, as those are the grade levels I would be interested in teaching in the future. This “Say It Now” resource aims to break down the meaning of gratitude and teach students how important it is to take in the world around them, to be grateful for what they have. Personally, I find a lesson like this incredibly valuable. I feel as though the mental health of students can sometimes be unintentionally overpowered by the more prominent aspects of education. The lesson plan’s introduction consists of participating in mindfulness. Mindfulness can be described as, being “present in the moment,” being “aware of your thoughts and feelings,” limiting the distractions of your surrounding environment. This is a calming activity meant to relax the body and let all of your deepest thoughts come to the surface.

Having young students engage in an activity such as mindfulness teaches them how to be aware of everything around them. Following the activity, having students share with one another what they are grateful or thankful for and why brings the thought to reality. The purpose of an activity like this is to teach students how to express what they are most appreciative of in life, so that nothing is taken for granted. I feel as though this is a very important concept to learn at a young age, so the children can grow into that mindset. The powerpoint provided by WE Virtual Learning Center shares that having gratitude can make one to feel happier, get better quality sleep, connect with peers and the community, exhibit kindness, lend a helping hand, and promotes better overall health.

This powerpoint for me was a fantastic find, it actually even opened up my own eyes to the importance of gratitude. A lesson like this is definitely something I would be passionate about sharing with my students one day.

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