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My Virtual Destination: Manhattan, New York, USA

Taking a look at the list of destinations to take a virtual trip to, I opted to visit somewhere I had already been in hopes of maybe finding out something new about the place. I choose to visit Manhattan, one of the five boroughs in New York City. Manhattan being founded four hundred years ago is today one of the most famous parts of New York.

New Things I learned from the tour

Taking a close look at Manhattan through the tour, I was able to find new things that had previously been unfamiliar to me. Some interesting things that I learned are that New York is the financial district of the world, and Manhattan is the where all the largest banks, offices, and businesses are. Being able to take a tour in the air also enabled me to see the skyline and an overview of the entirety of New York City. With various different angles, I was truly able to grasp how large the borough of Manhattan is. I was able to take a look at overviews of the Empire State Building, Central Park, and more. It truly gave me a sense of diverse the cityscape is in an area like Manhattan. Learning about how the land was sold for an estimated $24 was part of the intriguing factual background that maintained my attention and kept me immersed.

Taking the virtual trip

The virtual trip itself is engaging and relaxing, as there is music that plays in the background as the camera glides across the NYC skyline. It is a tour at the user’s pace, which gives the tourist the opportunity to hop around at different locations, and prioritize the things that interest them the most. Most fascinatingly is alternative views that the tour offers users, not only does it diversify the tour with a plethora of aerial shots of the city but also the city during different times. In having these options, I found that the tour becomes an immersive experience at the hands of the user.

A Closer View

Having the option of traversing the skies of the city of New York and focusing in on the bustling energy of Manhattan was an incredible experience. I did however also enjoy the photos in the image gallery provided. From a mixed range of images, I was able to see what parts of Manhattan I hadn’t seen myself in person. I appreciated the creativity aspect to having beautiful shots of street photography included into the tour. It was nice to in a way recap the ideas of the tour and simply take a look at the gallery.

Overall Experience

I enjoyed sitting down and taking the tour step by step. It allowed me to notice details in the videos that I would have never noticed priorly. It was a great mix of a user guided experience and an automated virtual experience. I would recommend all to take a virtual trip, regardless of whether you have visited Manhattan already. Taking a tour virtually will prepare any person who plans to visit Manhattan a little more on the essence of the city.



  1. Participating in the Manhattan virtual tour was an enlightening experience! The immersive journey through the iconic landmarks of Manhattan offered a unique blend of historical insights and modern-day relevance. It was fascinating to see how the city’s rich history meshes with its bustling contemporary life. The virtual aspect made it accessible, allowing us to explore and appreciate the cultural and architectural diversity of Manhattan from our own classrooms. This type of innovative learning tool is incredibly valuable, especially in fostering global awareness and cultural understanding among students. Can’t wait to see what destination we’ll explore next in our quadblogging adventure!

  2. Hey there, I’m Sofia. I’ve never been to New York so this was a really cool post to read! Both, you and I are learning about different parts of New York, the main topic here being Manhattan. I liked that you mentioned here that the pace of the tour is very relaxing and at the viewer’s own pace. Great post!

  3. I love how much you went into detail about NY showing multiple different perspectives, birds eye views. I liked how you said that you saw details you never would have noticed before. Overall, you did an amazing job at present all the information! Being from NY, you definitely captured the beauties of the city.

  4. Hi, This is Paul Mancini I think going on a trip to Manhattan New York would be an incredible thing to see. A really cool thing to see there would be central park.

  5. Hi, I am Katie. I really loved this post! Super cool to see that you went on a virtual trip to NYC. We are so close, so we often overlook the history and beauty of it. I definitely will be checking out the virtual tour. Thanks for sharing all you learned from it!!

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