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Louvre – Paris, France

Virtual Field Trip


The Louvre is located in one of the most romantic cities in the world, Paris, France. This natural art museum has one of the richest arm museums in the world. One of the more famous paintings being the Mona Lisa is kept here. It is an absolute must visit for visitors of Paris. A beautiful building with fantastic and history art pieces which have been around for centuries.



  1. I always thought the Louvre was one of the most beautiful museums in the world. It is a simple design but the execution is breathtaking. The fact that you can visit it virtually and see all the paintings inside is amazing as well. Being able to view all the famous historic art pieces and see the interior of the Louvre sounds wonderful. This is a great pick for a virtual field trip.

  2. Hi! My name is Gianna and I really enjoyed your layout of the Louve. The summary is spot on and I actually did not know that the Mona Lisa was kept here. Your link about the website was very helpful to visit after reading your blog.

  3. I’ve always wanted to visit the lourve one day I’ve always be an big fan of art and always wanted to see exactly how small the Mona Lisa actually is I hope to one day go in person but for now I’ll settle for a virtual tour.

  4. Hi, I am Katie! The Louvre looks so beautiful! I never knew where the Mona Lisa was kept, but I guess you learn something new everyday. Thank you for sharing, I will definitely be checking out this virtual field trip! It looks so cool!

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