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Using Microsoft Forms to Communicate in the Classroom

Receiving quality feedback from students can often times be a difficult process for both educators and students alike. However, with Microsoft forms, communication in the classroom becomes easier, the process of receiving feedback becomes facilitated for the students and easier for the educator to tailor exactly what it is they want to receive feedback on. It has become a tool that is multifunctional in classrooms around the world, aiding teachers in assessing not only the understanding of their students, but also the quality of their lesson plans, the environment of their classroom and much more. Microsoft forms provide a simple and effective way to maintain communication between an educator and the students.

Comprehension and Testing

With Microsoft forms, teachers are now able to create “test” or “quizzes” for their students to take online. This helps students become familiar with online forms, but it also allows educators to view the statistics of the classes grades shortly after the test or quiz is taken. This becomes a form of communication when the educator then takes a look at the areas where students are struggling and then applies extra attention to that particular area. Including areas of the form that have questions that ask students how they feel on the material they have just learned or completed, where they feel lost or confused, and where they feel as if a little more help would clarify the material at hand for them. Considering the multiple forms of responses that educators can choose to include on their form, from multiple choice, to text responses, it is guaranteed that the feedback will indicate in ways that meet the expectations of the educators. Whether simply asking about the comprehension of a newly learned skill/concept or a test with specific directions for each question, students, and teachers are able to use Microsoft forms to aid communication.

Day to Day Evaluations

As educators, not every day is expected to go according to plan for students and educators as well. It is important to collect feedback from students directly to understand what makes those days happen in the first place. It is essential to be able to foster a healthy and happy learning environment where students can feel comfortable being themselves and can focus on learning. A large portion of that is feedback from students on a day to day basis. Creating a general form for students where they can submit feedback individually doesn’t only give them the space to submit comments that they might not feel comfortable doing so publicly, but also tailoring the questions to the students themselves. Asking them what they thought about the lesson plan, or how certain experiences made them feel, can provide viable feedback to consider in future references.

This is going to be a wonderful resource to use in my own classroom and ensure that my students are able to provide the necessary feedback to be able to adjust and adapt to provide the best possible learning experience. Using forms of communication such as Microsoft Forms will give me, as an educator, the opportunity to understand where my students perhaps don’t yet fully have a grasp on the material. Besides using Microsoft Forms for classroom feedback, using it to understand the feelings that students have after lessons or school days can let me know how if there are any issues I may need to address as a teacher in my classroom.

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