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Educator Tool: Discovery Education Virtual Field Trips

Discovery Education has an online site where teachers can “take” students all over the world, but they never leave the classroom. All you have to do is simply register for the field trip, and you get to take part in a live field trip with standards aligned and hands-on learning activities.

Discovery has field trips that you must register for, which are live, or they have field trips that are on demand. The on demand ones are just recorded field trips. You must create a Discovery account to go on the field trips.

This can be super useful in classrooms due to the fact that it allows students to explore new places and ideas all within their classroom. It doesn’t require a permission slip, transportation, etc. It just requires a simple log in on a computer.

Students now will have the opportunity to not only see more as a class, but if they personally create an account, they can go on field trips as they please on topics they may not learn about in class.

I wish they had this when I was in school. I remember having to get a permission slip signed a month before the trip. I remember hoping for good weather so we would actually get to go. It took a lot to be able to go on a local field trip. This tool allows for Students to get to experience places all over the country with just a click of a button, which is truly amazing.

Link to Site: https://www.discoveryeducation.com/community/virtual-field-trips/

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