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Collaboration and Technology in Classrooms

Collaboration in the classroom is essential to today’s learning due to the social needs of students. It’s a great way to develop different ways of thinking, usually at more advanced levels, and oral communication, which are aspects that students these days need. Students are struggling more now with communication than even before and part of the blame is technology itself, so why not use this tech as a way to get those levels of communication back?

Integrating Technology in the Classroom - Inclusive Classrooms Project

Some great technology that has shown itself to reintroduce collaboration and communication among students is Google Services. By using Google Drive, files, emailing, and even slides, a student can connect with their fellow classmates through writing on the same document, commenting on the same file, and emailing each other questions to better understand the assignment or task at hand. This exact blog gives a great example of that! We can comment, share, and give insight into each other’s posts to make this learning experience more fun and socially active.

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