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Educational Technology: “AI in The Classroom: 10 Essential Ideas Every Educator Needs to Understand”

As AI begins to grow more and more it is essential to understand the fundamentals of the new tool and how its application in the classroom can aid not only educators but students as well. In breaking down the ten rudimentary areas of AI and its impact it becomes much easier to digest. The ten being;

  1. Human Trained AI vs Deep Learning Models
  2. The True Power in Student – AI Collaboration
  3. The Impact AI Can Have on Learning Differences
  4. The Role of Coded Bias
  5. The Job Market Impact
  6. The Importance of Improving prompting Skills
  7. How to Enhance Pedagogy with ChatGPT
  8. AI is More Than a Worksheet or Presentation Generator
  9. How to Use AI to develop Critical Thinking in Students
  10. Soon, It will be a common assumption that all written pieces involved the use of AI

Everyone of the concepts open up the conversation for what AI use will become in the near future. They provide key examples of how students will be able to work with AI to complete assignments, or how as educators we will be able to turn to AI to generate resources for lesson plans, projects, and more. The new changes to AI that have transitioned it from the human trained AI used all over the world, have now become systems that are capable of learning from themselves. This will allow students to collaborate with a reliable source of information that may generate ideas and concepts for the best result when working on assignments. As the article states, it brings benefit to students who may have disabilities as well and due to this it will soon be included in most if not all IEP’s. 

By coming to understand the ideas in this article, I was better able to visualize how as an educator I will be able to use AI in my classroom. In becoming comfortable with the resource, it will allow me to create better lesson plans and overall a better learning experience for my students. With AI generated resources, it will become a much easier way to also implement the idea of AI to students and open them up to other opportunities as well. The main focus will be on prompting the AI systems in order to retain the most accurate information. After reading the article, I now see the importance of including AI activities and allowing students to familiarize themselves with a tool such as AI.

Original Article: https://www.hollyclark.org/2023/09/13/10-things-all-educators-should-understand-about-ai-in-the-classroom/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter

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