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Virtual Field Trip: Wild Cats in Vladivostok, Russia

Using the Website AirPano I was able to go on a virtual safari in Vladivostok, Russia at the Primosky Safari Park. The park houses multiple wild cats including lions, tigers, leopards, cougars, and lynxes. The virtual safari included videos of the animals and provided educational information about each of the wild cats. The park has many different cameras in the exhibit so the video allowed the viewer to see the wild cats from many different perspectives. As well as showing the animals, the video shows the setup of the park where visitors can see inside the exhibits. The visitors can stand on bridges high above the exhibit so the wild cats cannot get out but the visitors also can see an overview of all the cats. The video explains how the park’s goal is to rehabilitate animals that can no longer survive in the wild, although their exhibits are similar to their natural environments with many trees and large areas of land.

The video is educational and explains facts about each of the different wild cats. The viewer also learns the background of each of the wild cat’s in the park, like their specific species name and how long they have been in the exhibit. We first learn about Tigers. Tigers are not dangerous to humans unless provoked, they also bond with different species of animals. The video explains how one Tiger has bonded with a Goat, which most people would think is quite unusual. Next, we learn about African Lions. They are an endangered species. When Amur Tigers and African Lions mate they create a hybrid. These hybrids are not found in the wild but are only found under human supervision.

A hybrid of an African Lion and an Amur Tiger

After the African lions, we learn about the Leopards. Breeding of these Leopards and other cats takes place as part of the environmental protection program. Although as of now, the park only has two Leopards that are separated in different enclosures. We then learn about the Canadian Cougar. They are an independent living species and a solid predator. They hunt at night although are very curious animals. Lastly, we learn about Lynxes. They are smaller than the other wild cat species, weighing at most 30 kilograms, which is equivalent to about 66 pounds. In the park, the Lynxes like to play with each other.

After going on a virtual field trip, through AirPano. It is shown this is something that can be used in the classroom to provide students an education in different locations all around the world. On this particular field trip, the viewer is being educated on the topic of wild cats, while also being able to experience how they would act in the wild and hearing how they sound. AirPano is not just videos but 360-degree tours of different locations. These locations range from cities around the world to the great pyramids to different islands. Therefore, whatever topic an educator is teaching there is a wide range of videos and 360-degree tours to create an educational virtual field trip for students.

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