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Collaborating for the Future

I found an article on twitter that goes over innovations that are being made in the world of education. As the world is advancing, we as educators, must advance with it to ensure that the future generations are getting a good education. By using our time wisely and not treating the summer as time away from the teaching profession we are able to keep up to date with new ways of teaching and our hone skills.

Some ways that we can expand our horizons are by connecting with others, innovating leadership, questioning why things are done a certain way, and encouraging students to use technology. By connecting with other we can expand out learning network, and if we use social media like twitter new ideas are only seconds away. Innovating leadership will allow for students to work together and create a shared vision. Questioning why things are the way they are helps build critical thinking skills that can show new perspectives and allows the students to be taught in a forward-thinking manner. Encouraging the use of technology allows students to engage with lessons in different ways and still facilitate a learning experience.

Collaborating with Technology

Everything in the article points to collaboration as the focal point of education moving forward. As teachers we can get together and talk about different ways we’re teaching. Then once we’ve tried them out, we are able to give feedback on what did and didn’t work; allowing us to improve lesson plans. Getting students to work together allows them to build collaborative skills that they will use throughout their lives and allows them to learn the lesson together.

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