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Train to Busan: A South Korean Horror Film

SPOILERS WARNING: If you would like to watch Train to Busan before continuing to read this blog, follow the link HERE to watch on Youtube for free with ads. It is in Korean with English subtitles.

Train to Busan is a South Korean zombie horror film where the main protagonist Seok-woo, portrayed by actor Gong Yoo, is trying to reclaim the trust of his daughter while trying to lead her and survivors to safety during a virus outbreak. The title stems from the fact that Seok-woo and his daughter Su-an are taking a train to the city of Busan for Su-an’s birthday to go see her mother. Those infected with the virus have overrun many major cities and conveniently, the only city that has not been shut down by the military or overrun by zombies is Busan. Throughout their journey, each train and train car they enter continues to get overrun by the infected. They have to continuously fight their way through the trains, losing many survivors along the way and trying to survive until they reach Busan. It is a very intriguing film compared to many American zombie and/or horror films due to its unique conflict and its creative takes in regards to filming. I do not typically watch shows or movies that are not in English, not for any particular reason, it just never occurred to me. Therefore, I will be using Train to Busan and compare and contrast its story, character’s personalities and values, and cultural aspects to that of American films.

As mentioned, this movie takes place is Seoul, South Korea with their final destination being Busan. The map above shows more or less what the route they would have taken looks like when taking the KTX train. They even consider other cities on this map such as Daejeon as possible safe places. The route to Busan is approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes long, and the movie itself is almost two hours long. Unlike many American movies I have seen, especially American horror movies, these types of situations typically occur over the course of days. Gradual outbreaks. For the creators of this film to have the main conflict unfold over the course of only a few hours and having the film be about the length of the normal train ride to Busan, it really adds to the urgency and stressful atmosphere created in the film. That said, while the main setting of this film does take place within a train, they do make stops in train stations and pass through major cities along the way where every time they are surprised by the lack of people and then attacked by masses of the undead. This tells us not only how densely populated these cities are, but also how frequently train is used to travel from one city to the next. In each train they enter, or rather try to enter, they are bombarded by dozens of zombies in each train car and in the beginning of the film when they first get on the train before the outbreak occurs, the train was already packed with passengers and there were others waiting to get on. In America, while trains are available for travel, it is not a common form of travel and our railroad network is mainly used for freight trains. The New York City subway is definitely more likely to be packed similarly to this rather than a regular train even in a densely populated city.

Security is lacking on these trains. In the beginning of the film we see two people sneak onto the train. One is a girl who was just infected and the other is a homeless man. The girl was able to jump on quickly when the train conductor turned around. The homeless man was hiding in the bathroom which the young daughter Su-an comes to see. No one tells her to return to her seat for her safety. She also continues to move through each train car with no supervision. However, I am going to assume this is to push along the plot of the movie and have us further understand just how careless and absent her father is and that this lack of safety is not actually practiced.

The social dynamics and values present in the film are actually not so different from what can be seen in America. The main character, Seok-woo, is a father who works an office job as a funds manager. He just recently separated from his wife and they are splitting time with their daughter Su-an. However, Seok-woo is rather absent in his daughter’s life due to how demanding his job is and that is introduced through the fact that he is unfamiliar with his daughter and her interests and him missing her school events. His mother who lives with him even gives input to the situation, saying that he should focus less on his working and focus more on fixing his marriage for his daughter’s sake. The depiction of these struggling nuclear families are very common in American television as well considering it is something that many who watch can relate to. We see this in popular television such as The Walking Dead, a zombie horror series where Rick Grimes, father of Carl and husband to Lori, is attempting to rekindle the spark with his wife and protect his family and others during a zombie apocalypse. His relationship to his family often suffered due to his work as a sheriff’s deputy. Both Rick Grimes and Seok-woo are faced with the reality of their situations and completely turn around and become strong and better men in order to protect their families, even if it puts their own lives at risk. They become characters that we cheer for because of their determination and courage to protect their families, as many of us would hope we would be able to do in times of crisis.

Throughout the film, women and children are made a priority to get to safety. Besides the young girl Su-an, there is also a teenage girl, a pregnant women, and two older women who are sisters. Throughout each seen, all of these women are shown a lot of care and respect. They are offered seats on the trains and Su-an even offers her seat to one of the older women. Both the older and pregnant woman offer Su-an a hard boiled egg and a Korean snack. When the survivors are being attacked, the women and children are made a priority. The men are either in front of them leading the way or left behind to fight off the undead and push the women and children forward. Of course there were selfish people throughout the film, but that is to be expected in any case. This is a social value that is shared in America as well. Women, children, and the elderly are often made a priority and we see this especially in films. However, I will say, especially in the present day, we are seeing women take on more traditionally male roles in films. Referring back to The Walking Dead, we see a character named Andrea demand to help the men protect the farm they are staying at and be taught how to use guns while the other women worked on providing stability with cooking and cleaning. As the series continued, the women began to take on leadership roles in their newfound communities. I am curious of any of the other movies in the Train to Busan series have women take on more leadership roles. The only time where we really see a woman take charge in the film is right at the end where it is just Seok-woo, Su-an, the pregnant woman and a zombie and the woman pulls the zombie off of Seok-woo in an attempt to help.

As we see in this film and in many others from other cultures where chaos insus, initially everyone is concerned about their own safety. Everyone is watching the news on the television screen on the train or looking at news outlets on their phone, and while the media is telling them not to panic, they are living in fear of what is to come and the images and videos being played are scaring them more. Many of them begin to panic and turn on each other or only lookout for themselves. Even our main protagonists have moments where they are not worried about anyone else. However, many people turn around as the number of survivors dwindle and they begin to work together in this time of crisis. It is not uncommon in any culture to see people from different backgrounds help each other and work together to get to safety.

They also attempt to be funny in times of crisis which not everyone does, but there are many people who are still able to find some light in bad situations. There is a scene where Seok-woo is stuck in the train bathroom with two other men he just finished fighting through the train with and they are picking on each other’s height and jobs. I will say in American horror movies, some degree of humor is almost expected and is very common. A vast majority of Train to Busan was serious, so I was surprised to see some humor thrown in very suddenly, but tactfully.

Besides the obvious cultural differences and similarities seen within the film, what I found to be the most interesting was the portrayal of zombies in this film compared to American media. In American film, television, and books, the undead are often portrayed as very slow, mindless creatures. Some typical stereotypes are they do not run, they are scared or attracted to fire, they are sensitive to nose, and they can only be taken down with a blow to the brain. A bite from an “American zombie” depending on the film can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours and the outbreak occurs over the course of days. The version of zombies depicted in this film run fast, are strong, do not need trauma to the brain to be taken down, and cannot see in the dark. They run almost at the speed of regular humans and can jump over things. They are still slightly mindless, for example they cannot open doors, but they are still so much more powerful. Also as mentioned, the conflict of this film occurs over the course of a few hours with anyone being attacked turning into one of the creatures in a matter of seconds. This film is so fast paced and intense for the viewers to watch. You can feel the stress and anticipation through the screen which is why I think this is one of the better zombie horror films to watch.

Thank you for reading!

Follow me on Twitter at @IreneOrtiz001

Subtitles Bringing Us Together

Have you ever been interested in a show that suddenly popped up on your timeline? The characters look interesting, the plot looks deep, and the overall vibes of the show give off something that you’d definitely watch. But when you look up the show for yourself, you feel disappointed because it is in a language you cannot understand. You immediately sigh (or however else you like to put out your frustrations). But then you see a button at the bottom right. The CC (closed captions) button gives you a sense of hope. And when clicking it, you see that it offers subtitles in your language. You feel happy knowing that you can actually watch the show now.

.. You’ll just have to balance out reading the subtitles and watching the show at the same time somehow.

In films, television shows, or videos, subtitles are a textual representation of the dialogue or narration shown on the screen to help viewers comprehend the content. They are accommodating for people who are hard of hearing or deaf, as well as for people who might not be fluent in the language used in the audio. Closed subtitles are optional and can be accessed through a specific setting, whereas available subtitles are permanently displayed. Subtitles can be opened or closed. They ensure that viewers of all backgrounds and abilities can fully engage with the visual media and comprehend the spoken words by providing an inclusive viewing experience.

When I think of subtitles, there’s a specific show that comes to mind that I watched when I was a kid (I kinda do now, too, now that it was picked back up.)

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir is an animated television series that captivates audiences with its thrilling adventures and charming characters. Set in the vibrant city of Paris, the show follows the dual lives of the two main characters, two high school students who become heroes when evil threatens their city.

Miraculous is well-known for its captivating plot and engaging characters. The show’s French heritage is reflected in a variety of cultural elements. Miraculous has gained popularity all over the world, including in the United States, but it retains distinct cultural features that distinguish it from American culture. The natural landforms, physical surroundings, social cues, cultural influences, economic circumstances, and politics of Miraculous are the focus of this essay’s investigation of the city’s cultural aspects.

Most of the action in Miraculous takes place in the charming French city of Paris. The show does a beautiful job of capturing the essence of the city by showcasing iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the beautiful Seine River. The series’ streets, urban environments, and architectural styles align with the romantic and picturesque appeal frequently associated with Paris. By incorporating French culture and language, Miraculous displays cultural influences. The characters’ frequent use of French words and phrases emphasizes the significance of French culture and language. French social etiquette is reflected in the manner in which people interact.
In addition, the show places a significant emphasis on fashion, with characters donning outfits and styles reminiscent of Paris, highlighting the series’ cultural influences even more. Miraculous indirectly reflects certain aspects of French society, even though it focuses primarily on the superhero story and does not extensively examine economic or political issues. The significance of cultural heritage and the preservation of historical landmarks is emphasized, demonstrating how important these aspects of French culture are. A wide range of mythological and cultural elements worldwide influences Miraculous. These influences represent the global nature of the show’s narrative and are not exclusively French. A diverse and multicultural world that piques the interest of a wide range of people is created by incorporating elements from a variety of cultures, including Greek, Japanese, Chinese, and Egyptian. There are numerous ways that Miraculous differs from American culture. First, it differs from the American English used in American media by including phrases and language from France.
In contrast to the typical American settings frequently found in animated series, the show’s primary location, Paris, offers a distinctly European flavor compared to some American cultural norms, which may emphasize individualism and informality—miraculous places emphasis on formality, politeness, and cultural heritage. In addition, Parisian fashion trends exhibit a distinct style and influence compared to American fashion.

As stated before, the setting takes place in Paris, France, so it is a French cartoon. The show initially started in 2015 and began to gain recognition in the US to the point where Nickelodeon picked up the show and dubbed the language into English. But before that, there was the option to watch the show with English subtitles.

(as shown below)

thank you, plagg. Very cool.

We can comprehend better and appreciate a variety of forms of media thanks to subtitles. Subtitles are invaluable for overcoming language barriers and promoting inclusivity in all media, including movies, television shows, and even online videos. Subtitles’ significance and contributions to accessibility, cultural exchange, and media enjoyment are examined in this essay.
Subtitles can significantly improve comprehension, even for people who speak the language well. Subtitles ensure no subtle details are missed in scenes with heavy accents, whispers, or complex dialogue. They make difficult-to-decipher terms, slang, or technical jargon easier to understand. Additionally, subtitles aid in overcoming audio distractions, making it possible for viewers to comprehend dialogue amidst background noise or other audio disturbances. Subtitles are essential to the media landscape because they make content accessible, encourage cultural exchange, improve comprehension, and preserve artistic intent. They are necessary because they make it easier for people with hearing impairments to be included, help people learn languages, and let people worldwide enjoy diverse content. We can foster a more inclusive and interconnected society in which everyone has the opportunity to enjoy and comprehend media in all of its linguistic and cultural richness by recognizing and appreciating the significance of subtitles.

I lost My Body

I Lost My Body was the movie that I decided to watch this week. This films original audio is French and played with English subtitles. (Contains spoilers!)

Nauofel, the main character, on a Train

This movie was a trip. You follow the main character and a severed hand (Spoiler alert) it’s his severed hand. As they move about Paris and go through life. The movie does have repetitive imagery in the use of a fly, and astronaut, a goat, and I’m sure there are more but those are the ones I took notice of.

The movie is set in London. Originally the main character lives with his parents and then is taken in by a different family after his parents die in a car accident. They all dress modernly, all of the characters do; Outfits come in all shapes sizes and colors. There are suits, dresses, hoodies, tee shirts, pants, and work clothes.

Because the movie takes place in a big city, and the times are modern it doesn’t look very different when compared to cities in the U.S. The multiple setting of the movie consists of his family house, his guardians house, the trains/subway, the library, a pizza shop, a carpentry shop, the rooftops of the neighborhood, and an apartment building lobby. There is also the various setting from the point of view of a hand. Most of these are outside or in building that the hand has ended up in while attempting to reunite with Nauofel. The building in the movie, for the most part, are made out of bricks. There is also antenna on top of the roofs, for phone service of cable television.

This is what the neighborhoods in the movie looked like. Brick building with antenna on the roofs.

The food that they eat and mention as well as the beverages they drink are all very common in America. Nauofel works at a pizza shop delivering food. Later in the movie he eats hot dogs and baked bean. Towards the end of the movie Gabriel talks about getting sushi instead of pizza because the pizza ended up getting cold. Again, I think that this is because the movie is set in more modern times.

The characters in the movie are all working class citizens. Nauofel grows up with his parents, they spend a lot of time with him, are very supportive when he tells them he wants to be an astronaut. They teach him how to play and instrument and they enjoy playing them together. Once his parents die, he is taken in by a man and his son. His adopted father is not very close to Nauofel and their only interactions are Nauofel giving him rent and Nauofel telling his adopted father that he is leaving because of a job opportunity. His brother is an angsty teen/ young adult and Nauofel doesn’t have a good relationship with him. Gabrielle is another main character, she meets Nauofel when he delivers a pizza to her one night, after a conversation through a speaker in the lobby Nauofel tracks her down. Gabrielle is a kind young woman who keeps to herself and works at the library. She wears headphones to show that she doesn’t want to really speak with people she doesn’t know. He ends up following her to a carpentry shop and here he meets her uncle. Gabriella takes care of her uncle and brings him medicine. Her uncle ends up giving Nauofel an internship and allows him to learn carpentry. He is a kind man who gives Nauofel a chance to work with him and somewhere to live after finding out that he lost both of his parents.

There are not many cultural differences that I could find. One thing I noticed was that a lot of character smoked cigarettes, the drinking age was younger so we saw some character drinking alcohol that they would be in the United States. In the United States smoking has fades away and I think for my generation is less common. Another thing that I noticed was how the movie focused on music. In the beginning Nauofel’s mother plays the violin and teaches him how to play the piano. Later in the movie a seeing eye dog grabs the severed hand and brings it to an apartment building. The blind man living in the apartment also plays the piano. Music is also represented with Gabrielle wearing headphones and Nauofel using a tape recorder to listen to events from his past.

The similarities are endless, the city landscape, the buildings, the transportation systems (riding bikes, taking the train), the clothes that are worn, all of this is very similar to everything you could see in America.

I enjoyed the movie, but the overall plot was confusing. The values of characters were hard to determine because for some stretched of the movie, we don’t follow the main characters, instead we follow his hand. The main character is obsessed with connecting to Gabrielle, going as far as working for her uncle and waiting weeks to reveal that he knew her from a pizza delivery. His values seem to be love but it’s hard to pin down what really drives the character. After Gabrielle find out he has been doing everything in order to get close to her very upset and reveals that she values family, while questioning Nauaofel’s motives she brings up the fact that her uncle has been struggling with his health and wonders if Nauofel even cares about him or the job opportunity he was given. I definitely recommend watching this movie. It was very interesting and shows that even though London is a city in a different country there a lot of similarities shared between us and them.

The Importance of Communication in the Education Field

Communication can be used in many different aspects of the education field, whether it’s communicating from teacher to parent, teacher to teacher, teacher to student, student to student or so much more. That is why communication is one of the most critical parts of teaching. “Sail the 7 Cs With Microsoft Education” goes into depth on how to provide the best education. The writers explain the importance of communication, as communication is one of the 7 Cs.

To provide a quality education communication is needed in every classroom. Over-communicating instructions and topics allow the students to learn the best and ensures there is little to no confusion, the students should then be able to communicate what was taught to them to show they have an understanding. Communication is something that all students should have the ability to do and have access to. Students that may be disabled or speak different languages from the instructor still deserve the ability to communicate and learn. Immersive Reader was created to provide students with disabilities or in certain situations where communication is not as accessible the ability to still work and communicate with others. The user can translate words/documents into their native language, as well the user can adjust text, spacing, and highlight words. Translator is another online tool that can be used by not just the students but faculty and parents. Translator can be used to teach, communicate questions, and/or translate text. Everything can be translated into the user’s native language and messages from others can be translated into a specific language as well, therefore there is no limit to communicating.

Teaching students in ways that they understand can create communication skills from the students to each other and instructors. The example in “Sail the 7 Cs With Microsoft Education” explains how Minecraft brought the student together. Minecraft is a game that the younger generation uses and has lots of knowledge of, therefore when using Minecraft for teaching the students were able to communicate help and ideas to each other. Chatting to each other through the game also became an effective form of communication that originally would not have been seen in the classroom.

In-depth of how to properly communicate in the classroom

Without communication, there cannot be success in learning or teaching. Teachers need to be able to communicate effectively so students can learn and process information. While students need to communicate to gain other skills like collaboration and understanding. With the use of technology and resources communication can be provided to all students of all different backgrounds. This ensures that no one is left out in the education world.

Microsoft Forms v. Google Forms

In the age of technology, there are many duplicate applications and websites that follow the formats of the ones that came before them. There are so many places to get templates and different formats for documents, slide shows, websites, and so on. If you were in school, whether as an educator or a student, in the early 2000s especially, you are probably mostly familiar with Microsoft Office products including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. I remember when I was in middle school between 2013-2015, we began to switch over to using Google Suite products like Docs, Slides, Spreadsheet, and Sites. They were essentially the same thing as the Microsoft products that I already knew, they were just simpler. There were less buttons and options, the templates were limited, and was generally the “squeaky clean” version. I got used to using Google Products for my education, so when I found out Microsoft had their own version of Forms, I was surprised. Google Forms was a product that I always had difficulty using. I just always felt like there could be more and as a future educator, now more than ever, I find a need for an application such as this one. After looking into Microsoft Forms, I cannot believe I have wasted so much time fighting with Google Forms.

Microsoft v. Google

Google Forms is a rather straightforward application. You create a new form, give it a name and a description then you can start adding your questions. You have the option to choose between multiple choice questions, long or short answers, scales, dropdown answers, and checking boxes. You can also add pictures and videos to questions and change the colors of your form as well as add a header. When someone answers the questions on your forms, you get an email of their responses and you can assign them a grade automatically or manually. What else could you need? Well Microsoft Forms has so much more to offer. In addition to what Google Forms has to offer, Microsoft allows you to customize your rating scale with different icons like thumbs, hearts, or stars. Very cute, but it goes beyond that. If you have ever tried to make a question in Google Forms where things need to be numbered in chronological order, it is actually very difficult because it has to be done in a grid and looks visually complicated and messy. Microsoft has an option for ranking questions as well as likert and net promoter score questions. Not only does it have more options for questions, it has more options for style and other features as well. You can change the style and font of the entire form, add a gif for your header, music to be played or paused during the assessment, start and end times, timers, and have it translated for different languages! It also has an AI feature that suggests questions and answers based on the others that you have input. It even creates its own personal QR code. When you are taking the assessment it also has an immersive reader option for those who need it. Compared to Google Forms, Microsoft Forms is not only significantly more expansive and detailed, it is also more inclusive and accessible for those creating and taking the form.

So Why Forms at All?

Forms is a technology alternative for assessments for students. Assessments are a method of getting an evaluation of a student’s understanding of course content. When educators know how well students understand the content, they are able to make adjustments to their methods and content to help students develop their understanding. But not only are forms a great for assessments, they are also a wonderful ways for students to communicate with their teachers. Educators are lifelong learners and in order to ensure they are providing their students with the best education they can, they must be willing to listen to their students. Teachers can use forms to have students provide them with feedback on content or lessons, do peer and self-evaluations, or even teacher evaluations. Some students would never be open about their thoughts, opinions, and feelings to a teacher’s face. It can be a scary thing, So giving the students and outlet where they can express concerns or misunderstands about your class or the content is vital for a healthy student-teacher communication.



Thank you for reading!

Follow me on Twitter at @IreneOrtiz001

Making Reading Accessible with Immersive Reader

As someone who struggled with reading when I was younger, I thought Immersive Reader seemed like a great idea. I remember in grade school, reading ahead during popcorn reading, making sure not words tripped me up, preparing myself incase my name was called. Immersive Reader seemed like such an amazing piece of technology that I really related to. So how great is it?

The product is free and is a feature that is built into most Microsoft applications! I love that Immersive Reader is made with the acknowledgment that there is different reading level in every school and that this is completely fine.

With Immersive Reader you are able to enlarge your “work area” getting rid of other tabs that might be open and clutter that could distract you. Because Immersive Reader reads to you there are voice option that let readers change the speed of the speaker voice and choose between a male or female speaker.

Screen shot showing how Immersive Reader gets rid of clutter and focuses on text.
Voice Settings (Screenshot From)

At the top of the screen Immersive Reader offers changes for text preferences, grammar tools, and reading preferences. The text preferences consist of things like changing the size of the text to allow the reader to make the text bigger or smaller, increasing the spacing between word in order to reduce crowding, changing the font to something the reader is more comfortable looking at, and changing the theme (background color) to whatever the reader prefers. I think all of these options are amazing. But this is just the beginning and Immersive reader offers so much more.

Screen Shot of Text Preferences

Immersive Readers next features are located in the grammar options tab. One of these options allow readers to breaker word up by syllabus. This allows them to sound out word. There is also a very cool feature that highlights the parts of speech in the text and will label them accordingly. I wish I had this when I was learning how to read. School House Rock will always be great, but this feels like it will be utilized often and will really allow readers to understand the parts of speech.

Grammer Tab using the syllabus break down and part of speech highlighting with labels. (Screenshot)

The last of the three options is Reading Preference. This reading option is really awesome. It can take one, three, or five line of text and focus them by making them brighter and muting the colors in the rest of the text. This feature can be used to help with eye tracking during reading and make sure readers are moving about the page correctly and not skipping sentences. Another feature in the Reading Preference tab is text translation. This allows the reader to look at different words and see what they are translated into a language of their choice, like French. The word that was chosen pops up with an image representing what that word means in real life when using the picture dictionary and the chosen word has the translated pronunciation as well as the original. If want to readers can translate the whole text; if they choose to do this there is a toggle option at the top of the page that allows the reader to switch between languages. This feature is incredibly useful when learning new languages!

Screen shot showing the Reading Preferences Options.

One of the best things about Immersive Reader is that is very accessible. Because it’s been integrated into so many Microsoft tool like Word, OneNote, and the bowser Microsoft Edge, just to name a few, readers don’t need to be without these useful tools. With the Lens app people are able to take picture of signs and can then convert the image into a document that can access all of the features that are available in Immersive Reader. This tool is incredible powerful and will make it so people around the world are excited to read instead of dreading it. I look forward to using this with students in the future.

Diving into the Pages: The Transformative World of Immersive Reading

Immersive reading opens doors to unending worlds where the power of words transcends space and time. We are invited to step into the characters’ shoes on the journey, suspend reality, and investigate captivating narratives that pique our imagination. Immersive reading provides a haven to fully immerse ourselves in a story in a world with constant distractions and short attention spans. We embark on transformative adventures that expand our minds, elicit empathy, and transport us to realms only limited by our imagination, whether we do so through the pages of a book or the screens of our devices.

I’ve recently read up on different ways of communication. Here in the 21st century, we have an immense amount of technology that allows us to transform the simple things we do into something completely different. Immersive reading ignites a fire within us that only a good book can, transporting us to far-off lands, igniting our imagination, and introducing us to captivating characters. It allows us to explore the depths of our emotions and provides solace, inspiration, and an escape from the chaos of everyday life. Immersive reading is a gift that keeps giving because it never ceases to bring us joy and wonder.

Scanning words on a page is not enough to define immersive reading. It requires readers to fully immerse themselves in the plot, setting, and characters by engaging with the text. It is a state of flow in which the words transport us to various eras and locations and give the impression that time has passed. The key is suspending our disbelief and deeply connecting with the story, whether in a gripping novel, informative non-fiction book, or interactive digital reading experience.

Immersive reading tackles the influence of our creative mind, permitting us to summon clear mental pictures and submerge ourselves. On the other hand, reading requires active participation in contrast to other forms of entertainment, such as movies or video games, in which visuals are presented to us. We develop a sense of ownership and personalization of the story by imagining scenes, characters, and feelings as we read. Exercising our imagination broadens our creative thinking and creates a one-of-a-kind connection to the author’s words. Immersive reading fosters empathy by putting us in the shoes of various characters and experiencing their joys, sorrows, and struggles. It helps us develop compassion for others and broadens our perspective, ultimately making us more empathetic. Navigating intricate plots and storylines also encourages analytical thinking, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, it enhances cognitive development by enhancing vocabulary, language fluency, and communication abilities. In addition, even though traditional print books have long been the primary medium for immersive reading, technology has provided new means of engagingly interacting with stories. Innovative features like synchronized audio, animations, and annotations that enhance the reading experience are available in interactive reading apps, e-books, and audiobooks. In addition, virtual and augmented reality is used to create immersive reading environments where readers can explore fictional worlds in novel ways.

There are many creative options available with immersive reading. Join book clubs or conversation gatherings to share and investigate alternate points of view. Host literary events or organize themed reading challenges to immerse yourself in literature fully. To enhance the reading experience, try interactive book adaptations or multimedia integration. Consider attending reading camps or retreats to immerse yourself in books while avoiding all other distractions. Discuss book-to-stage or book-to-film adaptations or use your reading experiences to inspire creative writing. These novel approaches make immersive reading a gateway to new experiences and opportunities for self-expression.

Microsoft introduced the cutting-edge instrument known as the Immersive Reader to make reading accessible and inclusive to people of all abilities. Immersive Reader is a game-changing feature available in several Microsoft applications and platforms, including Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Teams. It was designed to improve literacy skills, comprehension, and engagement. Thanks to its potent features, immersive Reader has become a catalyst for inclusive education, enhancing reading experiences and empowering individuals with diverse learning needs.

In the link below, Microsoft officially launched its Immersive Reader usage.


By fostering empathy, promoting global understanding, and empowering individuals to reach their full potential, immersive reading has the potential to reshape our world. It will change education forever by encouraging creativity and critical thinking. Through different stories, it will connect social partitions and develop a more comprehensive society. Immersive reading will provide personal solace, motivation, and self-discovery opportunities. Immersive reading holds the key to a brighter, more enlightened future for everyone as more people embrace its transformative power.

Communication Made Easy Through Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader is a powerful piece of assistive technology made by Microsoft that is free to use and has become an embedded component in many of their software products. This tool allows students to follow the words on a screen while they are spoken aloud by the computer and follow along as the words get highlighted in real-time as they are spoken. This greatly benefits students with disabilities such as dyslexia but can really help any student improve their reading and language skills.

Immersive Reader reads text aloud to students as they follow along on the screen (image above)

Some of the features of Immersive Reader are:

Text can be made larger for people who may be visually impaired.

Words can be broken apart by their syllables to help young readers with their pronunciation.

Different parts of speech can be made different colors so students can understand the structure of a sentence.

Picture Dictionary allows students to click on a word and get a picture representation of that word.

Immersive Reader can translate text in 60 different languages.

Immersive Reader has the capability to greatly improve reading comprehension and language skills for students with accommodations and general education students. This digital tool is natural and easy to use and its use may lead to stronger communication in the classroom among students and teachers. When children fall behind with their language skills or struggle with a disability, they find it increasingly harder to communicate with those around them. Tools like this help ensure schools are doing all they can to alleviate those communication problems and give students a better opportunity at building those necessary language skills for life. More information about Immersive Reader can be found here and also here. If you scroll down on the first link and click on the interactive tutorial video, you can see how easy and useful this tool can be to help students communicate and gain reading comprehension (or to easily access this tutorial click on this link).

Presenter Coach

How often have you been nervous giving a presentation or even speaking in front of a group of your peers? I know I have countless times, especially when I was younger. Now that I’m a returning student and have age and a little maturity on my side, I tend to care a little less about how my peers see me. It doesn’t get rid of all the jitters, though. Last week when I was reading Sail the 7 Cs, I came across a program that Microsoft offers that can help with this issue, Presenter Coach.

Presenter Coach

Presenter Coach is a speaking coach. You can run your presentation or speech through this program without it recording you. Rather, it has AI listening to your voice and cadence and gives you real-time feedback. What you might get is suggestions to slow down or speed up your speech, sum up your slides instead of reading them word for word, or use more inclusive language instead of filler words like um. It can also read your body language. Are you making eye contact with your audience? Lastly, are you using too many repetitive words? This program is so beneficial for everyone.

Presenter Coach is used with PowerPoint. You open your presentation in PowerPoint, click on the slideshow tab, and then you’ll see Rehearse with Coach. Once you click that, you can choose Begin Rehearsing. Once you start, you will see immediate feedback at the bottom of the screen. In the end, you will get a full report on how you did. You can practice as often as you want until you feel comfortable presenting.

This program can be used by anyone, not just those uncomfortable in front of others. If you want to see how to improve or maybe just want to see what kind of presenting you are, this tool is for you. Presenter Coach has something for everyone. Perhaps you want to improve how to effectively communicate. Having a speaking coach can help you get to your speaking points clearly. Having a speaking coach can help you overcome your fears and increase your confidence. The more you practice the better you’ll become. Being able to communicate will help you anywhere in life so this is a lifesaver!

AFS-USA in the Classroom

AFS-USA is a nonprofit organization that specializes in intercultural education. They provide many activities and resources that can be used in the classroom. What’s nice about AFS-USA is that the lesson plans cover many topics like the environment, diversity, poverty, stereotypes, religions, cultures, and so much more. This allows the students to be able to learn and be open-minded to all sorts of topics and comfortable researching topics that may be unfamiliar to them. The website not only opens up the student’s minds but the teacher’s as well. There are many different handouts provided that allow the teacher to understand why a student may act a certain way and the culture behind it.

The AFS provides many different links that can be clicked on through the above image that provide different resources for the instructor

AFA-USA would be very beneficial in the classroom. In my own classroom, I would use different lesson plans so students can learn about the information that may be new to them to raise a future generation that is understanding and open-minded to others’ differences. Those lesson plans that I find specifically important are “Chain of Diversity”, “Education for All #BringBackOurGirls”, “Examining Current Social Movements”, and “Critical Listening through Debate.” The “chain of diversity”Chain of Diversity” lesson opens up the discussion of similarities to those with different backgrounds and shows the students that all people can be alike despite many differences. “Education for All #BringBackOurGirls” educates the students on gender inequality and inequality in the education department. “Examining Current Social Movements” provides the students with insight into the past and how people came together to solve a problem, which can inspire the students to try to spark their own movement an make a difference. “Critical Listening Through Debate” allows the students to be open-minded to others’ opinions and open-minded to changing their own.

Students should not just be taught specific subjects but real-world understanding. These are the children of the future so it is important that we teach them other skills like understanding, compassion, problem-solving, and much more. With AFS-USA teaching methods and lesson plans, they allow teachers and instructors to prepare students and set them up to create an amazing future.