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Students and Global Goals

Do our students really know what is going on around in the world? Do they understand how us as a community can come together to change that negativity? A published article, Global Education Checklist, helps teachers and other school employees find out how to teach goals to students. The checklist provides what the children should know for each of the discussed goals. For example, it talks about the library. It asks educators if books involving global goals are available for students, are the books diverse talking about all different ethnicities, are items up to date, and more. This checklist helps so much for educators to make sure everything is in check to properly teach and include all children. There is a scale provided to help the educators rate how well the school does on a scale of 1-4 with the global education. There is a section asking about the textbooks provided, there is a state/institutional checklist, state standards and curriculum. This part is the section for state educators’ agencies. Overall, this is such an amazing checklist, that all educators should take a look at. The checklist goes for all K-12 students, all the schools should have this checklist gone over and each Indvidual teacher. For the future, in my classroom I will always be sure it fits all these requirements, it is so important to expose children of all ages to the global topic. Making sure to have an inclusive and safe environment for all of the future students I will have!

The Global Educator: Global education: Supporting collaborative ...

Artificial Intelligence in Secondary Education

The uses of artificial intelligence are expanding to areas that were previously never reached. When thinking of artificial intelligences, many think of simple computer ran programs that are able to fulfill tasks such as playing an opponent in chess by using algorithms for the best move.

The Five Big Ideas in AI

As AI improves there are 5 major goals in pushing for AI integration in life.

  • Perception
  • Representation and reasoning
  • Learning
  • Natural Interaction
  • Societal Impact

In education it is important to include the use of artificial intelligence as it expands due to the possibility of a technologically rich future. Using AI in secondary education could be done by:

  • Introducing projects in which a student utilizes AI and critiques the shortcomings of it
  • Having students analyze works from AI to understand the mistakes made
  • Introducing AI’s important role in a better future by solving common issues in society
  • Students analyzing possible changes in the everyday life with AI introduction

Although AI has much to improve on, it is important to grow students’ education on it so when the time comes everyone will be prepared to fully utilize it in their everyday lives.

Source: Hands-On AI Projects for the classroom / A Guide for Secondary Teachers. ISTE General Motors