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Virtual Reality & its Benefits in Education

I have been doing a bunch of research on virtual reality and its benefits in education and its success in global collaborations. Virtual reality has really changed the game in general but has seriously changed the game in education. VR creates an entire digital environment, a 360-degree, immersive user experience that feels real. In a virtual reality setting, students can interact with what they see as if they were really there and some benefits are providing students with immersive learning experiences, other benefits of virtual reality in education include the ability to inspire students’ creativity and spark their imaginations. Virtual Reality can also be used to motivate students and allow them to explore new academic interests. Virtual Reality in education also helps students struggling to understand difficult academic concepts. Overall virtual reality has had great success when it comes to global collaborations. Virtual Reality enhances collaboration and increases productivity.

WE learning Virtual Center

The WE program, which is based on social and emotional learning and positive youth development, encourages adolescents to be their best selves and supports educators by equipping them with the necessary skills to become compassionate and future-ready citizens. I took a look at the Lesson Packages and Supporting Resources to see if I could fine any interesting lessons that I would want to use in my classroom.

I came across the WE Walk For Water Campaign. The lesson states “With our Classroom Resources, educators can integrate service-based learning into their curriculum to broaden students’ understanding of issues they are passionate about.” There are 4 steps to this lesson/ campaign.

Step 1: Investigate and Learn

This step allows students to do some research, providing links and resources, with questions to support what they’ve learned.

Step 2: Action Plan

questions are asked about the student’s goals, and they will choose the date pf their walk. The, each group member is assigned a role in which they will carry out to the end of the campaign.

Step 3: Take Action

Student are directed to:

1- Make a donation page, a go found me, and explain why they are collecting money for clean water. They will create a team name and a goal.

2- spread the word, post on social media using #WEwalkForWater and tag @WEmovement.

3- Walk the walk, “On the day of your event, you will be walking for all of the women and children around the world who spend hours each day walking to collect water for their families. This walk and the money you’ve raised will create real impact in developing communities around the world.”

Students will then answer reflection questions about the fundraiser .

Step 4: Report and Celebrate

Students will answer report questions, and celebrate by posting the earnings to social media. At the end, Students will send in the earnings to the WE website.

I will be using the WE Virtual Learning Center in my future classroom, and I hope to do this exact lesson. Thank you!

WE Virtual Learning

Something that I found very interesting is this Schools Event Calendar. This is so people can come online and join these virtual events that this school does virtually.

It showed me some examples of events that the WE School teachers do and they share with other people. This is something that not only students, teachers or anyone can join virtually but something that teachers around the world can take advantage of and try out some of the activities they do virtually. This can give teachers some ideas to bring to their classrooms. Some examples I will picture below.

WE Schools: Empowering Youth, Transforming Communities, and Creating Future Leaders

Innovators, let’s talk about WE Schools, the unstoppable force in education. WE Schools is making waves and developing a new generation of compassionate leaders prepared to take on society’s most difficult problems, from empowering students to reforming communities.

Empowering Youth: The goal of our team at WE Schools is to enable youth to reach their full potential and change the world. Our objective? to provide them the drive, vision, expertise, self-assurance, and knowledge needed to tackle urgent problems on a local and international scale. Through the implementation of campaigns to eliminate bullying, raise money for clean water systems, or organize community clean-ups, kids learn that they have the ability to make a difference and form a lifelong dedication to civic participation, volunteerism, and philanthropy.

Measuring Impact: We walk the walk as well as talk the talk. In order to make sure we’re providing top-notch resources, we think it’s important to track the results of our initiatives. For this reason, we collaborate with top social impact advisors, Mission Measurement, to research, understand, and constantly enhance the ways in which WE Schools develop the next wave of altruistic leaders. And believe me when I say that the results speak for themselves: they have had a transformative impact on pupils in the UK and North America.

WE Schools by the Numbers: Let’s break it down. During the 2017–2018 school year, campaigns run by youth involved in WE Schools resulted in:

– $8.3 Million raised for social causes

– 10.8 Million pounds ($15.5 M in value) of food collected for local causes

– 12.7 Million hours volunteered for local and global causes

That’s not just numbers; that’s real impact, real change, and real difference-making.

Transforming Youth: The worst part is this: According to 81% of educators, students who attend WE Schools are more inclined to take action to better lives both at home and abroad. Youth at WE Schools perceive themselves as change agents seven times more frequently than their peers do, and 90% of teachers believe that students are becoming more leadership-oriented. That’s what I mean when I say empowerment!

Empowering Educators: Not only do kids gain, but teachers also gain authority. Because of their involvement with WE Schools, 78% of them feel more fulfilled in their careers, and 82% of them have been able to find leadership possibilities for their kids. Furthermore, 76% of educators claim that WE Schools have helped them create a welcoming and safe atmosphere. How about changing things both inside and outside of the classroom?

Preparing Young Leaders: The effects don’t end there. Because of their involvement with WE Schools, 73% of youth feel inspired to attend college, and 92% of young adult participants list WE Schools’ accomplishments on their resumes. Companies also adore it; 94% of them respond favorably to resumes that highlight involvement with WE Schools. Students who receive that kind of instruction are more likely to succeed in life.

In summary, WE Schools is a vibrant movement rather than merely a program. Its goals are to uplift young people, revitalize neighborhoods, and develop the next wave of leaders who will be able to have a significant impact on the globe at large. With your continued help, we’re not only having an impact—we’re building the groundwork for a day when leadership, action, and compassion will all come together to improve everyone’s quality of life. And this is just the start of our path to a more promising future.


blog post 8 changemaker

As I was going through the We Virtual learning center there where a few things that stuck out to me specifically. This is a very good page for teachers to come to for help. I navigated to the “lesson Packages & Supporting resource’s” tab. this is a really good way for teachers to get some help information and lesson plans for all grades, skills, and themes. this could be a very useful too for teachers. they can see different lessons plans that they can use or can just use things from those lessons plans to help. I definitely can see this being useful in my future teaching career. Being able to see all these different lessons plans for all different topics and ages is so useful. It is being regularly updated with new and better information. I don’t see how teachers wouldn’t use this as a reference if they knew about it. This website should be shared to more teachers for help and reference.

The Future, The Change

As I reflect on my vision for my future classroom, I am filled with excitement and optimism for the journey ahead. I am inspired by the opportunity to create a learning environment where curiosity is nurtured, diversity is celebrated, critical thinking is valued, and social and emotional well-being are prioritized. While the road ahead may be filled with challenges and uncertainties, I am confident that with dedication, passion, and a commitment to lifelong learning, I can create a classroom where every student feels inspired, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential.

New Ways through the help of WE Virtual Learning Center

I watched this video before explore the website to help me understand what the goal for this platform truly is. It also helped me navigate the website. I think videos are a great way to engage the reader, for personal preference I reading out loud helps be better understand the text. I like videos cause you can have text and sound with the help of images to guide you through a topic.

My Findings

This is the home page of the website. On the left there is a navigation tool for different pages on the site. I clicked on WE Teachers Courses and Lesson Packages & Supporting Resources.

A Virtual Learning Center can offer a wide range of learning resources. These diverse resources cater to different learning styles and preferences, enhancing engagement and retention.

WE Teachers Courses

WE Teachers is a no-cost program that helps teachers build their capacity and empower their students. It connects them to a network of like-minded peers, offers professional development and training sessions, and provides resources to help their students become active, engaged citizens.

The page has lots of guides, resource, and course for teachers to use. One that stood out to me was the Mental Well Being in the Classroom, the resource is broken up into sections about mental health in general, within the youth and teachers mental health. There’s resources are more just for teachers eye to help better understand the in’s and out’s of education life.

Lesson Packages & Supporting Resources

This page is debated to lesson plans for all age groups and topics of world issues.

Many tabs are on this page that take you to different lesson plans or resources. It is very organized by categories so its easy to navigate.

My Thoughts

The Virtual Learning Center has the potential to transform education and empower learners of all ages and backgrounds to thrive in the digital age. With each step forward in my educational journey, I am constantly reflecting on the values and principles that will shape my teaching practice and the learning experiences I aim to cultivate for my students. With the help of many resources for my further students and myself I feel that the WE Virtual Learning Center is an amazing tool to use for my classroom.

WE Virtual Learning Center

The resource I read through on the We Virtual Learning Center is about the Service- Learning Educator Guide. This guide is for the educator and shows how they use this framework for students to accomplish their learning objectives. While also engaging with and addressing the needs of their community as well as possibly the entire world, their country, their state, or their county. Through this framework it shows the educator how they should have their students investigate and learn about the topic that is being taught to them. Then the action plan of how to implement their learning on the lesson or topic at hand to apply it into the real world. As well as how they take action to do so and what type of action they will take to accomplish this goal. Finally reporting what the outcomes of what they have learned, each and every step they complete must be recorded and reflected so that they can implement these notes into their final project as well.

I thought that this was a great resource as it gave the teacher the full outline of what the lesson and work should be done by their students. All the educator has to do in this situation is follow the lesson plan and what each part wants the student to accomplish. Then at the end the students have completed a service while learning about a certain topic. This service will help their community, county, state, country, or maybe even the world which is a very positive thing. That is why I decided to research and write about this tool from the WE Virtual Learning Center since it is such an amazing tool from this website. WE Virtual Learning Center has many other great tools and resources such as the student toolkit which helps students complete projects like these and the steps they must go through on their own to work through these projects correctly. I suggest looking through this website with everything that it has to offer as it has many great resources that educators and students can use for their class.



Service Learning with WE Schools

WE is an amazing learning experience that promotes a collaborative service between students AND teachers! Like-minded students choose an issue or topic that needs attention and consideration then develop plan to bring awareness to this topic. This allows for the students and community to become involved through volunteering and skilled work.

A success story from this concept is this story from Texas that raised funds to aid those in need through a GoFundMe campaign and local donations.

I look forward to using this resource in my classroom for many reasons. I feel as though this can not only bring our community together to help local issues but can also expand to global issues too. The students and teachers can influence others who want to help but do not know how to get started.

1026_we_sl_student_toolkit_r4.pdf (storyblok.com)

Resources on WE

WE is an amazing website filled with resources and training for teachers to use that encourages them in addressing social issues within the class. On the website, I decided to check out the resources and lesson plans offered. WE not only teaches educators about certain topics, but offers help, advice, and tips for teachers to give the most to their students without hurting themselves.

An example of the resources is the lesson titled “Trauma-Informed Practice: Part 1 PowerPoint & Survey.” This slideshow focuses on teaching what Trauma is, how it affects students of all ages in different ways, and how teachers can respond to help and support these students.

Why is it important?

The information given from this lesson plan on the WE website is incredibly valuable because of how many students may have some type of trauma. According to the PowerPoint, “More than 50% of all US children have experienced 1 or more forms of trauma” (Slide 10). Every student deserves to feel safe in the classroom, and with an almost guarantee that at least one child in every classroom is going to suffer from some type of trauma, it is important that teachers are aware of the signs and know how to react. For the first 18 years of a child’s life, school is where they spend a majority of their time, they deserve to have resources and people their who can help them.

What does WE Teach you?

Each lesson plan focuses on something different, but no less important. All of them provide support, training, and answers to questions for teachers to be able to use in order to help students. A program such as this one is easily incredibly important because the resources it holds can help thousands of students. Getting to explore a source such as this one has been exciting, especially as someone hoping to become a teacher. I hope I remember this program so I can use it if need be in the future!

We Virtual Learning Center Resources

With the use of the internet, teachers and educators have been able to share their resources and tools across the globe for others to use to enhance their own education. This global collaboration has provided aspiring teachers today with an endless amount of resources to help support and enhance their learning. The Website WE Virtual Learning Center is one such source of education resources and today I will share 3 interesting things I found while exploring the site.

Events And Opportunities For All Teachers

Before we jump into the educational content and resources provided throughout the page, something I found very helpful was their event calendar. This helped show what types of events are being held when throughout the school year and how you can fit your teaching schedule around it. Events such as the Say It Now Workshop, Global Classroom, and Professional Development can help you learn and explore even more ways to improve your classroom as well as network and make connections with other educators around the world.

Endless Amounts of Lessons And Resources

Throughout the website, there are hundreds of lesson plans, teaching strategies, and course resources available to view or download. These resources range from classroom management, to improving social connections between students, to subject area content. It is really amazing how much there is. One resource I found interesting was the WE Are One Campaign Guide, a lesson plan/guide for teaching the importance of accepting diversity and providing inclusion with technology. The lesson plan is very well crafted with interesting graphics and designs. One small issue that I would like to mention is that while the website has many different resources, the way it organizes them can be somewhat confusing and difficult to navigate.

Different Types of Media For Teachers and Students

As a Visual/Audio learner, I love it when a website provides knowledge and resources in multiple different ways and formats mainly through video. Luckily the We Virtual Learning Center has a large collection of videos for you to watch yourself or use in a classroom. They contain many of the same resources and information as listed before in video formats such as Workshops, virtual events, and lesson ideas.


I am happy to add this website to my collection of educational resources and I believe it can be a great help for anyone looking for lesson ideas or wanting to improve their teaching craft. While the website can be a little confusing and complicated, it is still a vast and incredible resource that I would love to make use of myself as a teacher

You can check out the website here for yourself at this link https://weschools.we.org/. If you like this blog feel free to check out my previous blogs as well.